Okay, I won't get involved in this again. Slime is from the UK (if you don't like me saying that then you can edit it [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Slimegirl24/74.png" name="Slimegirl24"]11389879[/user] ) which means we are in the same time zone, I see her on quite regularly. Which, yes shows we need more mods in different time zones. I agree that there shouldn't be any promotions to admin. Last thing, I don't agree with this thread, think about it this way. If you were a partially active mod, and came on the forums and saw this thread where you were being criticised because of your inactivity, how would you feel? You would feel like the community don't support you. So stop making threads like this, and accept that Tim is thinking about it.
I'm a mod, I think these threads are great and that there definitely should be more mods.
And you know, the players actually got a point on my or my fellow staff's activity. It's low. Hence why more staff needs to be added. I would love to come on more if there would actually be more staff, so that I don't feel obliged because no staffmember is on.