I like nearly all the maps apart from Isengard.
As you know I generally play on the good side but I play uruk hai on Isengard (I hate troll like classes) and goblins on 2nd moria.
I do not like Isengard due to the ents being too similar to trolls. IMO trolls are too op. Furthermore the uruk hai usually lose anyway and the map is good for viewing but not for battles.
I like both Morias, particularly the first one due to having recaptures. Normally I get a few specially picked guys and storm the chasm flag, while the rest of the army deal with the others.
However, the maps where I have the most memories of is of course Minas Morgul and Minas Tirith. In both maps, there is this spirit of unity, as both maps are quite challenging to both the attacking and the defending side. I have a few friends that I could trust, and we usually fight together and know what we are doing even without saying, or rather, typing anything. For example using secret paths in Minas Morgul, killing parkourers in Minas Tirith and so on.
My experiences:
My favorite experiences are of course pvping alongside, or against, good pvpers. I used to die a lot when I first played on this server, and knew nothing. But now I am not exactly a noob.
The best I have ever done includes killing 3 trolls as constructor (with archer support of course so that I dont get swarmed) consecutively no time for healing, engaging 2 trolls which are supported by 3 haradrim archers simultaneously as soldier without support (gondor were wimps and were hiding behidn their walls) and killing them all and then chasing and hunting down an enemy mage (when I was very low on health due to the damage involved during the fight) which came during the middle of the fight and saw me kill the archers.