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New member
I'm sick of being killed by NCP. Almost every time I'm a nazgul, NCP glitches me, I cant fly, or i get stuck and I die. When im in Moria, i knock people off, and the glitch back on. I knock people back with half troll, and they glitch behind me. It is the worst plugin by far because it doesnt stop hackers, and does screw up the game for everyone else.

Ok. (takes a deep breath) Rage over.

Possible fix options:
''Get a better anti-cheat plugin''

What do you propose? Because, if you want Tim to do something about this, you'll need to come up with a good plan.
I'm not sure what Anti cheat plugins are out there.... i figured tim or the staff would know what good plugins are out there.
Well, the MineZ server probably has the best anti-cheat plugin out of all servers, I'm not sure if that's a public plugin though.
maybe just removing it and relying on the community to report hackers? (We already get 3 reports for the same hacker when he comes on...)
NoCheatPlus is by far the best public anti-cheat plugin.
You may find it annoying but not by far as annoying as it'd be when we completely remove it.
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