Superstormfur that was the worst idea how could YOU think of such a bad idea YOU are the worst strategist YOUR ideas are so bad.

[quote user_id="5226100" avatar="" name="ithewinner"]Simple. Bribe a few guards to make a map of the premise/ cell lay out. From there I would recruit 5 miners, and form an under ground route to the keep, starting from about 30m from the northern wall under the cover of night. From there, I would make underground route to under the keep. If he's keep against a wall, I would dig out the wall out from behind him. if he's in the center. I'd be able to dig in under his cell block. Also I'd hire 5 or six sell swords such as Akam, and H_hents. From there I'd dispatch about 4 guards, collecting the cell door keys, I would unlock all of the doors to the cells, give the dead guards weapons and a few picks and I'd induce a all out prison riot. This would distract the guards from our true purpose. I would then commence unlocking my prisoner friend and bring him out of the tunnel, leaving tnt behind, setting it of after I leave not only destroying my trace, but possibly destroying the northern wall. We would then get into our get away boat and sail of into the sunset.
[quote user_id="4167922" avatar="" name="wacko244"]Simple. Bribe a few guards to make a map of the premise/ cell lay out. From there I would recruit 5 miners, and form an under ground route to the keep, starting from about 30m from the northern wall under the cover of night. From there, I would make underground route to under the keep. If he's keep against a wall, I would dig out the wall out from behind him. if he's in the center. I'd be able to dig in under his cell block. Also I'd hire 5 or six sell swords such as Akam, and H_hents. From there I'd dispatch about 4 guards, collecting the cell door keys, I would unlock all of the doors to the cells, give the dead guards weapons and a few picks and I'd induce a all out prison riot. This would distract the guards from our true purpose. I would then commence unlocking my prisoner friend and bring him out of the tunnel, leaving tnt behind, setting it of after I leave not only destroying my trace, but possibly destroying the northern wall. We would then get into our get away boat and sail of into the sunset.
Money wasn't invented yet :3
I think you mean silver coins. Cause you know Roman Empire and all that....
[quote user_id="5226100" avatar="" name="ithewinner"][quote user_id="4167922" avatar="" name="wacko244"][quote user_id="5226100" avatar="" name="ithewinner"]Simple. Bribe a few guards to make a map of the premise/ cell lay out. From there I would recruit 5 miners, and form an under ground route to the keep, starting from about 30m from the northern wall under the cover of night. From there, I would make underground route to under the keep. If he's keep against a wall, I would dig out the wall out from behind him. if he's in the center. I'd be able to dig in under his cell block. Also I'd hire 5 or six sell swords such as Akam, and H_hents. From there I'd dispatch about 4 guards, collecting the cell door keys, I would unlock all of the doors to the cells, give the dead guards weapons and a few picks and I'd induce a all out prison riot. This would distract the guards from our true purpose. I would then commence unlocking my prisoner friend and bring him out of the tunnel, leaving tnt behind, setting it of after I leave not only destroying my trace, but possibly destroying the northern wall. We would then get into our get away boat and sail of into the sunset.
I need height data to know where the stealthiest place to attack from is.
[quote user_id="5455627" avatar="" name="michaelrotov1234"]Re: Booger
I will show up a few days before the attack and convince them that I am loyal and their advisor (considering how dwight and others accepted my application as an advisor it would be plausible) so it would still be realistic. I would then say that I want to look at their military forces or make another excuse. I am not the best swordsman but I am a slightly decent melee fighter and I am good at sniping (read: sniping, not archery) so with the element of surprise ur plan may have worked, BUT if I were you I would not make a plan which completely relies on a single person.
I am obviously at a disadvantage here, but my first appointment in Ilthilien was as dwight's military advisor, so I have a little plan. More accurately it is a grand strategy as I only have the broadest details, so I have to carefully select each teams members and equipment to prepare for all situations.
My plan involves taking the castle to serve as a distraction while freeing the prisoner. The castle's design makes communications harder and as you see later I would hardly describe it as 'inpenetrable' if done the right way. There would be loads of secondary objectives achieved, for example gaining 2 new ships, taking the castle, and bringing home a bit of loot and maybe prisoners.
Team: I am choosing the elite members of this community, they will function as both 'commandos' AND regular troops. I have 21 men at my disposal (myself and 20 others)
-9 Ilthilien Rangers (Myself, boogercraft, madmanxtreme, dylwinator, michalpatryk, electric_ice, dominik1612, mark2282, cookie)
-4 Reddaggers (polarnik, lotrloz, md_k47, cptblockbeard)
-8 Others: (akam, everybody13, anrza, wacko, h_hents, perry, 3 others who are chosen by everybody13)
They will be divided into 3 teams of 7: akam (leader), perry, reddaggers, booger (advisor) and ice in one team (Reddagger team), remainder of ilthilien rangers in another team (myself leader and dylwinator advisor) (Ilthilien team), everyone else in a third team (everybody13 leader and he chooses his own advisor if he needs one) (Blackfyre team). There are 3 designated archers each in the Ilthilien teams and reddagger teams. The reason for this arrangement is it follows the 3 kingdoms in EW RP and therefore everyone has worked together and knows how the others work.
Equipment: (I asked kingjoseph1st about unconventional weapons)
-Ilthilien and Reddagger will be equipped in high-quality leather armor dyed in grey, Blackfyre will be equipped in light plate armor. All men will have helmets (high quality and light of course) and cloaks which are black on one side and light grey on the other.
-All men carry a longsword and a dagger, and will be trained in their use. Ilthilien and Reddagger will carry bows and enough arrows for them, while Blackfyre will carry short spears as well. All arrows and spears will be tipped in fast acting poision with antidotes which are carried by my men and more on the ship (Friendly fire does happen sometimes)
-There will be a ship to transport men and equipment. The ship will contain automatic crossbows (apparently those existed but were Made in China, but I think I would rather risk them exploding than failing in the mission and also it is within the setting as it was invented before the medieval period and I could have obtained it through trade). Obviously they are slow to reload, short range and heavy but you will see why I want them later. There will also be conventional crossbows.
-The ship will also contain square shields which would be used later in the plan, axes and long pikes in case those are needed. There will be enough food and also medicine. In terms of heavy equipment the ship would also have small battering rams which could fit on the boat so when the boat is overturned it could be used as cover for the ram. Other equipment includes that needed to scale walls (ladders and grappeling hooks and ropes etc)
-The ship itself would also be a small warship and obviously packed with big high quality cannons (I don't plan to use them, it is just in case I need to), has a ram and also boarding equipment to board other ships. The cabin and supply areas of the ship will be lockable and locked when no one is on it. So basically no one can take supplies or sail the ship away.
The plan:
Some of this may seem unrealistic. However consider that 5 of the men I have chosen have once teamed up before a year ago on Gondor's side and retook Gondor's gates all the way from gate 5 to gate 2, and the only reason we did not retake main gate was because it could not be recaptured. Obviously the men would be trained in weapons and all tactics involved here beforehand.
1. I will wait for a foggy night where it would be hard for the two ships to see each other or the coast. I would steer my ship near the first enemy ship slowly at first but rapidly increasing in speed. It would then come alongside it. All of the archers would be shooting enemies on the deck and the Blackfyres would be empty their automatic crossbows as well onto the enemy deck, then the blackfyres swiftly board once everyone on the deck is killed supported by Ilthilien and take over the rest of the ship (Reddagger stays behind to guard my ship). 3 Ilthilien would then sail the ship out of the bay or where it could not be seen, anchor it somewhere then quietly land on the bottom right hand corner of the map (near the right gate tower) using one of the boats. They would then observe the tower to find the best way to take it. Meanwhile repeat the procedure for the 2nd ship and this time 4 Ilthilien anchor the second boat and land at the same spot with rope and grappeling hooks. Reddaggers will also have grappelling hooks and land at the same spot, then move stealthily until they are under the left gate tower. 4 automatic crossbows would also be landed (2 per team).
2. Once the 5 man patrols have passed Ilthilien and Reddagger immediately scale the walls using the grappeling hooks between the towers in their respective positions, then take the right and left gate towers respectively (They can easily dispatch 10 men with the element of surprise, superior equipment and better training). Meanwhile, the ship lands at the pier and the Blackfyrans get off, take over the boathouse, and hold the warden prisoner (He is bound securely and locked in his own office). Even if anyone escapes the gate has been taken so they cannot warn the others. Blackfyres then ladder up near the left archer tower with more automatic crossbows and split into two, a group of 3 stays at left tower and a group of 4 goes to right tower. Ilthilien and Reddagger now head off and take out all of the other towers on the outer wall (again stealthily and quickly).
3. Once all guard towers are taken all groups return to the gate towers Reddagger remains behind with 2 men guarding each tower and 3 men return to the ship and start offloading supplies, for example battering rams crossbows and pikes, and bring them directly under the gate. Meanwhile, Blackfyre and Ilthilien sneak up to the armory and take it. I assume the buildings have 1 to 2 entrances and obviously not many would man them at night, they would basically aim automatic crossbows at entrance, see if they could draw people out (if people come out they get shot dead by archer fire and crossbow fire). After 5 minutes if no one comes out my men storm the building. Although there is no element of surprise we still have better equipment and training. The same method is used to take the interrogation rooms, if there are any prisoners being interrogated there they would be given weapons, armor and supplies (From our stockpile not their armory so we could recognise friend from foe) and allowed to either join us or head to the gate towers and guard it. I will continue assuming that there are no prisoners or all of them chose to guard the towers as I do not want to rely on this.
4. A men is sent back to the gatetower and the three reddagger archers follow him bringing 7 shields (They may have to shuttle back and forth). All teams meet up near the entrance of the guard quarters and the Ilthilien and reddaggers aim bows at the entrance, Blackfyres meanwhile equip themselves with shields and prepare to charge in. Again a small sound is made to lure guards out, once guards come out they are shot dead, and Blackfyres take advantage of the open door and charge in followed by Ilthilien and Reddagger and kill or capture the guards. If no one comes out a few guys go back to the ship, get axes, and basically axe the door down. After it is done there are only 100 men left in the inner keep to deal with.
5. The gate is now opened (All previous transportations INTO the castle use ladders), remaining Reddaggers join the group, and the battering rams pikes etc are brought in. The men move to a dark position near the keep and automatic crossbows are again aimed at the entrance. The Ilthilien and Reddaggers begin shooting the men on the keep, and an arrow with a message to yield the castle (I will not mention the prisoner) will be shot over the top so that the enemy thinks my target is on the castle (It is but my main objective is the prisoner). The Blackfyrans begin battering down the gate with the ram, protected by the overturned boat, while Ilthilien and Reddagger finish eliminating everyone on the walls. (For the sake of argument let's say 25 men shot dead, enemy now only has 75 men so we are outnumbered around 3:1).
6. Once the gate is broken the group moves in, the four Ilthilien who are not designated archers will now carry crossbows. The whole group stays together until they get to the corridors leading to the dungeon. At this point all Ilthilien would stealthily move down the corridors and shoot any guard which we encounter along the way with crossbows, while Blackfyres and Reddaggers cause a lot of noise above while they take the rest of the keep. (Again some may call this unrealistic but my men are better trained and they have shields, also in a keep there would be smaller spaces so numbers would not matter). This has the additional advantage of the castellan unable to give any orders to kill the prisoner or hold him hostage when the keep falls. Once the Ilthilien get to the dungeon and kill/capture the guards they would then release all of the prisoners and give them equipment from the slain guards and the Ilthiliens' own cloaks (to identify them as allies). The Ilthilien would then get to the entrance of the keep, fighting their way out if necessary, and two Ilthilien who are not archers would accompany them to the ship. The two Ilthilien and former prisoners would begin loading our original supplies back on the ship and if that is done they start moving supplies from the enemy armory to the shore, after that anything else of value would be taken to the shore. The remaining 5 Ilthilien join the Blackfyres and help them take the keep, if the enemy is too strong they would fight an organised retreat and still achieve the mission but I highly doubt it.
7. Once the keep is taken anything of value still not moved is swiftly moved onto the shore. At this point enemy reinforcements may be arriving so it must be done quickly, Ilthilien would row out to the 2 enemy ships previously taken during the sea battle and bring them back into the bay. Blackfyres will stay on our ship with the political prisoner and any other prisoners, Ilthilien will stay with looted enemy supplies, and Reddaggers will stay on the last ship with any enemy prisoners (If there are few to none the loot will be split between the two enemy ships). Then we get the hell out of there.
At this point I have achieved my original objective, taken the castle and also gained a lot of loot.
-Any prisoners taken during the operation are held in the boathouse, obviously properly secured.
-If anyone attempts to send a message by a lamp the lamp would be shot by the reddagger/ilthilien archers.
-The whole operation is expected to last 3-5 hours.
-This is just an overall plan, exact ways on how to achieve each step (for example how to take the gatehouse) would be decided on the spot by the tacticians in each team.
Really? I didn't notice that. Sorry chapI chose you as mole at the beginning then as I was writing it I kinda forgot about who the actual people were and just focused on their position in the plan, otherwise woulda made you live XD
You got to give him that he's better than H_hents.This IS NOT MY IDEA!!!!!!
My friend lmonster314 ordered me to post his terrible idea. He would have like 5 random peoplewith him. He would be armed with a knife , a crossbow, flint and steel, and a few orc bombs or the clay bombs ninjas used. (he really likes ninjas) He would set something like a tree on fire to distract the guards. Then he'd blow up the gate and his "team" would kill everybody. He was not clear about what would happen next, but he mentioned blowing something up. I fully expect him to be disqualified. just to clear it up again NOT MY IDEA.
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