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Gandalf or dumbeldore, you choose


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V1 Veteran
I was thinking about the great novels I have read and two came to mind, Harry potter, and The Lord of the rings. Then I wondered who would win? Gandalf or dumbeldore. I couldn't decide, so I will let you guys decide.
Dumbledore would win, Gandalf has never shown truelly epic magic. His best was making a bridge break. Dumbledore made great fire in the half blood price, and used all sorts of powerful magic against Voldemort. Gandalf hardly ever used magic, and when he does, it sucks.
-_- fools! Dumbledore could cast a shield and Gandalf couldn't do anything. Dumbledore could blow stuff up with spells. He could create a sea of fire.
Dumberdore would win easily, his magic is legend. Unlike Ganadalf whom can do basically do a few spells. And Dumberdore could just do Avada Kedavra easily, and gandalf would be dead. Dumberdore has mastered the hardest, ancient and dangerous magic
Dumberdore would win easily, his magic is legend. Unlike Ganadalf whom can do basically do a few spells. And Dumberdore could just do Avada Kedavra easily, and gandalf would be dead. Dumberdore has mastered the hardest, ancient and dangerous magic
So vote for Dumbledore
Gandalf is much more intelligent then your Little Dumbledore.Gandalf would do a jedi like mind trick riddle and kill dumbledore on the spot.
No, ur not a Hp fan I can see. Dumbledore was a great occlumence, he can black mind invasions and suck, and he is a lot smarter. Dumbledore was so smart he planned out the whole Voldemort destroying thing really well. He knew Harry would survive the killing curce, he knew Voldemort would go for the elder wand, he knew it wouldn't work for him right. He planned his death perfectly, it made everyone think Snape was a death eater.
Gandalf never did anything supersmart, he asked Erlond for a lot of help.
Reconsider ur voting since ive proved everything u said wrong.
Uhm. Fools.
Dumbledore is a man.
Gandalf is a servant of the gods.
He has as much power as a Balrog with more intelligence. He was brought back from death by the creator of all things. He has lived for an unimaginable amount of years, adding in his time before he was bound to a human form.
He fought a being like himself for eight days straight, journeying from the lowest point in Middle Earth to the top of the endless stair. He chased the Balrog - yes, the demon of fire fled from him - after being burnt and nearly frozen through a maze of caverns and up the endless stair. Only there did the Balrog regain his flame and return to full strength, where Gandalf - weakened from the ordeal - was at anything but his best. They dueled and Gandalf smote down his foe, knocking down the ENTIRE MOUNTAINSIDE. Only then, in the ruins of the tower, did he succumb to death...
...where he was brought back, even more powerful than before. Rescued by the eagles, he regained his strength and gathered more.
Dumbledore...what. Killed a bunch of undead things?
Never judge a man by his cover Gandalf is much more powerful than you believe Teamjoshben7.Oh and sauron gandalf is a servent of the servents of The one God tolkien created Eru Lluvatar.
Never judge a man by his cover Gandalf is much more powerful than you believe Teamjoshben7.Oh and sauron gandalf is a servent of the servents of The one God tolkien created Eru Lluvatar.
I consider the Valar gods myself. Eru I consider the creator, where the Valar are the gods. Physical gods and the metaphysical one. Therefore, Maiar are the servants of the gods.
That's just how I organize it in my mind, though.
And haha...
You ever think it strange? How many things in this world are crafted for a single purpose and given finite power to that end? Yet with man, it is not so. Our power is limitless, for we are the gods of our imagination and can create anything we can conceive.
I think I'll reference nicepeter's Epic Rap Battles of History for these two characters:

Death makes Dumbledore die, while it simply makes Gandalf's robes shine brighter.

Vote Gandalf for Greatest Wizard!!! :D