Why it should be buffed:
Haradrim archer often gets outshined by archer classes due to its lack of damage. Sure, the poison tries to make up for it, but the point of archery is to finish off your opponent in a clean manner. The poison arrows does not do that because it has two flaws, one major and one minor flaw. The major flaw being the poison damage with the arrow damage together does not compare to the arrow damage of a regular archer (due to two factors, poison is weak and the natural regen covers the poison up) and the minor flaw would be the opponent getting your poison arrows and shooting it with a stronger bow (I’d say minor because Ranger is the only other class in Osgiliath and Minas Tirith with power 1 bow while the rest of the archer classes have power 2 bows, but even then, ranger outclass Haradrim archer completely due to its speed effect and aggressive playstyle). This makes Haradrim archer outclassed by any other archer types.
Archer vs Haradrim archer comparison example to give you a perspective of how Haradrim archer is outclassed and outshined:
Weapons: stone sword, bow (power 2), 64 arrows, leather armor (with no value)
Haradrim archer
Weapons: wooden sword, bow (power 1), 16 poison arrows, leather armor (with 1 half armor value)
2 Suggestions on how to buff it.
1. give it speed 1 and give its arrows the wither effect of the same level– this would convert Haradrim archer into a more ranger like playstyle but with wither and it still keeps its significantly weaker melee weapon (wooden). the wither effect finishes off the opponent while not ripping off the Umbar pyro playstyle of covering half the screen with fire and burning your opponent alive. So, this works more like a ranged assassin class than a siege archer type class.
2. Buff the poison to Haradrim spearman level – It will 100% keep the playstyle of Haradrim archer but the poison is stronger. It does not finish the opponent off when it’s half a heart so an extra shot is still needed. This will disable movement and aiming techniques in a more impactful way however due to constant take of poison damage.
Haradrim archer often gets outshined by archer classes due to its lack of damage. Sure, the poison tries to make up for it, but the point of archery is to finish off your opponent in a clean manner. The poison arrows does not do that because it has two flaws, one major and one minor flaw. The major flaw being the poison damage with the arrow damage together does not compare to the arrow damage of a regular archer (due to two factors, poison is weak and the natural regen covers the poison up) and the minor flaw would be the opponent getting your poison arrows and shooting it with a stronger bow (I’d say minor because Ranger is the only other class in Osgiliath and Minas Tirith with power 1 bow while the rest of the archer classes have power 2 bows, but even then, ranger outclass Haradrim archer completely due to its speed effect and aggressive playstyle). This makes Haradrim archer outclassed by any other archer types.
Archer vs Haradrim archer comparison example to give you a perspective of how Haradrim archer is outclassed and outshined:
Weapons: stone sword, bow (power 2), 64 arrows, leather armor (with no value)
Haradrim archer
Weapons: wooden sword, bow (power 1), 16 poison arrows, leather armor (with 1 half armor value)
2 Suggestions on how to buff it.
1. give it speed 1 and give its arrows the wither effect of the same level– this would convert Haradrim archer into a more ranger like playstyle but with wither and it still keeps its significantly weaker melee weapon (wooden). the wither effect finishes off the opponent while not ripping off the Umbar pyro playstyle of covering half the screen with fire and burning your opponent alive. So, this works more like a ranged assassin class than a siege archer type class.
2. Buff the poison to Haradrim spearman level – It will 100% keep the playstyle of Haradrim archer but the poison is stronger. It does not finish the opponent off when it’s half a heart so an extra shot is still needed. This will disable movement and aiming techniques in a more impactful way however due to constant take of poison damage.