New member
You are kidding me. You joined Enjin just to say your "friend" doesn't hack?[/quote][quote user_id="12786734" avatar="" name="SeegerCraft"]Guys... that public shaming ... i just can say that i know Hasenfuss over one year, a complete year. He never would hack / useing hacks or modificated clients that give advantages. Hasenfuss is a very famous guy from a other server (big server but i dont want to advers), he was/is the best bow skiller i ever see. So pls be more respectfull and dont just say "haxor"...
Python, dont mock... it's an honourable gesture, and I would like to thank Seeger for his input and his vouch for his friend. After reviewing what I know about Hasen, i have come to the conclusion, that while some of what he does is a little fishy, i think that it's all down to him having a beefy computer and a lot of game time.