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How to use anti cheat/lag/knockback/other abuse tricks to your advantage Guide

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ever wondered how that guy who you knocked off 3 times came back and killed you?. or how that class with speed managed to get 2 hits off before you even had a chance. or how that one player without a knockback weapon managed to knock you back 10 blocks? well i am about to explain all that here.

How to make anti cheat freeze you in air when get hit and would have fell of a cliff.
First off. the way anti cheat works is it has a how-likely-you-are-hacking-level, now this level is used to determine how much your movement should be restricted. normally you want this level low, but when you are approaching a ledge where you need to knock somebody off you want to get your hack level high. there are a number of ways to do this.

1: use the sprint key, press forward + this key at the same time to auto sprint. never double tap forward to sprint in combat. you stop moving for a brief second to double tap sprint. this not only decreases your anti cheat hacking level. but also gives people you are running from/charging at time to get the first hit. often times this means death in battles on ledges.

2: jump sprinting up stairs. when you jump sprint up stairs you go very fast. to jump sprint up stairs simply start sprinting up stairs and then hold space bar down. this will make you go up stairs very fast making anti cheat raise your hacking level. once your hacking level is high and somebody hits you, you are very likely to get teleported back and held in that location for a couple seconds - plenty of time to knock the other player off the ledge. this strategy is very effective on moria's stairs. as there is a lot of ledges and stairs everywhere. what i normally do in moria stairs is i time when i jump sprint up the stairs to make it so i get to the top right when my enemy is at the top. my hack level is then very high so i have about a 75% chance of teleporting back if i get knocked off, depending on your lag.

3: sprinting over half slabs/snow. for some reason anti cheat gets confused by half slabs/snow. and raises your hacking level especially when the terrain is completely made of half slabs/snow. so if your about to go into combat on a ledge with a half slab nearby it might be a good idea to sprint over the half slab a few times to raise your hacking level before your enemy gets there.

4: face towards your enemy. when you let a enemy get a hit to your side/back towards a cliff its nearly guaranteed kill for him. because anti cheat does not restrict your movement to the side/forward as much as backwards. or if you do get hit from the side face toward where the knockback came from during your knockback. this make anti cheat restrict your movement.

5: sneaking. sneaking while moving very fast (like when somebody hits you towards a ledge) when normaly sneaking should hinder your movement speed, it makes your hack level go way up. and there for you will very likely get teleported back to where you started sneaking. i only would do this during the knockback. because if you can strafe, strafe its much more beneficial to do that then stand still sneaking. its also how your character prays to the anti cheat god for a second chance - and lots of times its granted lol.

6: classes with slowness effect can increase your hack level very quickly. especially when taking knockback to move very fast. because anti cheat thinks that slowness = slower movement while taking knockback? anyways they are better for ledge fights.

7: how lagy the server is. now you cannot make it lagy or not, but if the server is lagy you are almost guaranteed to get teleported back. always ask that question before you charge onto a ledge. also i will mention the difference between player lag and server lag. server lag is when the players movements are chunky, arrows are delayed, hits are delayed, etc. player lag is when your fps is very low, your ping is very high, etc.

with a combination of these plus a little luck, you will almost always win fights. although if you do it to much you will start getting accused of anti kb. but the way you can tell the difference is anti cheat freezes you in one place, anti kb lets you move freely. so keep that in mind in case you get falsely banned for anti kb hacks after reading this guide.

How to teleport back up after a fall. well lets say that soldier got the best of you. and now your falling to your death. well anti cheat gods give a few abusive souls second chances sometimes. so here is the guide to increasing your chances:

1: use all above methods to increase hack levels. the higher your hack level the more it restricts movement. which is good when falling.

2: face towards where the knocback came from during your fall while holding the move backwards key down. reason being that anti cheat restricts backwards movement more than forward movement. making it more likely anti cheat gods will save your abusive soul.

3: sprint forwards mid air with the sprint key in the direction you were knocked off if you cant do 3 in time. if you move far enough away from where you started falling along with a high hack level, anti cheat will save you almost 50% of the time. thinking you are flying downwards instead of falling, also negating all fall damage.

4: not sure if this was fixed in recent patches or not. but if you log out right before you hit the ground. and then log back in you wont die from fall damage, watch out though as it may still count you as in pvp if you got hit off a ledge. of course most falls you want to die, as it takes to long to get out of the pit. so this is only a good idea in very few situations. (jumping off minas tirith with this is fun maybe denethor lived....)

it is much easier to freeze yourself midfight than to teleport back after a fall. i think the highest record of me personally getting saved after a fall was 5 in one life. but the server was extremely lagy that day.

anyways here is the knockback guide. how to knock people back 10 blocks. not sure if this is the anti cheat gods doing or not. its still debated among anti cheat high priests:

1: CLICK AS FAST AS YOU CAN. always click very fast. because for some reason when you click as fast as you can it gives knockback as though you hit that many times. weird because it does not give damage as though you hit that many times. i was at first skeptical, but tested it after i noticed when clicking extremely fast that people took more knockback.

2: most people know this, but when you jump you take more knockback and dish out more knockback. plus deal critical hits. so its always worth it to jump in do or die situations like ledge fights.

3: never let your enemy have a wall of any sorts if there is one. if he/she is trying to get to a wall keep that player away from it at all costs. especially if your goblins and its a dwarf guardian with a shield ready to use.

so that's it for knockback.

Few other abusive tricks:

1: if you right click a fence with your sword it makes the server/other players think you are blocking. and anti cheat thinks you are moving to fast to block with a sword stunning you. so its kinda a trollly thing to do to noobs. tell them to right click a fence with a sword and watch as they scream lag. then after you get your laughs out. tell them to switch from there sword to an empty slot and back. they now are no longer stunned. kinda funny did it to a few mods.

2: right click a fence with a bow does the same thing. only anti cheat does not restrict your movements like a blocking sword. so you appear to the server/other players to have the bow drawn. and can still sprint, making other players think you are a bow hacker. also you can use this to your advantage. if you draw your bow 2/3 of the way and shoot. it shoots a critical arrow instead of a normal 2/3 drawn arrow. because the server thinks you had you bow drawn for however long it was sense you had right clicked the fence. good for archer duels where your fighting md. and need to get a crit arrow off sooner to win. lol

3: abusing latency to always get the first hit in.
explained simply. enemy player sees you 5 blocks away, server thinks your 4 blocks away, you see your self as 3 blocks away. and are in range to hit/get out before enemy player has a chance to hit you. that is why only_god gets 2 hits out before you hit him once on average. if he does it perfectly he can keep doing this until you are dead without loss of health. that is why only_god perfers classes with speed. because it makes this method 100% easier, add in a knockback weapon. and you got your self a class that in theory can go in and hit as many times as it wants on a flat surface if it is done perfectly without taking any damage. this is also mistaken for reach hacks when people do it perfectly/almost perfectly.

so i think that is it. be warned though as lots of these bugs can be mistaken for hacks. and you may have to explain that to people who don't believe you.

After reading this guide you can start pulling off stuff like:


only lost 2 hearts :)

Have fun with these abusive tricks. -Andrewcramer
My ally is the Lag. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Lag around you. Here, between you, me, the Orc, the Troll, everywhere! Yes, even between the ledge and certain death.

Be one with the Lag, and it will be one with you.
Tbh, this is why minecraft pvp is bad, as long as you can keep clicking m1 and look at the player. latency will decide the winner. No such thing as skill in sword figthing (clicking m1)
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