From the very start I loved this server. I have played it day after day after day. But it is time for me to stop playing EW. Tim has made a bad mistake with Antzorg and Kingjoe and I think we are doomed now. I completely understand sjoerds frustration with ant and king, but a perma ban makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. I can definitely see myself doing what tim has done, but it doesn't make it right. I really love this server and leaving is not something I wanted to do, but it seems like a better choice then continuing to play on a doomed server.
This server has given me endless fun, and I thank you for that sjoerdtim. I will ALWAYS remember my memories on Empire War. The great staff, awesome maps and fun classes were good but I will always remember the community the most.
Goodbye guys. -cool_col, Second in Command of the Bards, Lord of Gundabad and Veteran of Empire War
This server has given me endless fun, and I thank you for that sjoerdtim. I will ALWAYS remember my memories on Empire War. The great staff, awesome maps and fun classes were good but I will always remember the community the most.
Goodbye guys. -cool_col, Second in Command of the Bards, Lord of Gundabad and Veteran of Empire War