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i got banned for jusing aimbot


New member
Hi De_mik


this is giel123 sorry for laking engisch
i have bin ban from the server at march 27 2020 at about 16:00
for using aimbot. i am not saiing i dident is just wntend to say. i was talking to (i beleave the name was Mark288 or somthing along this line i now it begean with a M and ended it a nuber) he is a very good archer en i joked that even hack like aimdod was worse. after this comment he sad lets test it. at first is was like no i onliy juse hackt for 2b2t but then he sead its alricht i talk to a mod. i stil wasend sure but adventuly i caved in and sead if you say so. sow we testede it. after this is dindetn yuse it animore. so whe i just dit it to sea what was beterr i dent jus it to cause any problems ore anything an i only dit it becaus he sead i could. after this i tornde it of end later i got banned for jusing aimbot. i understand this hower i was under the inpresion that is was oke just for this. so i was wondering if i could get unbannd i understand if this issend the case and is just wannted to let you see why i dit it. and to prove i dedent do it for coins ore anithing but i cant prove this so if i get unband (witch i hope but i dont now if i deserve this). my questis is can i get unband or at leat geat a non permanent ban idident intend to cause any harm and this is my first offend.

regards, giel123
Dear giel123, we've decided to reduce your ban to one month.
Don't use other accounts to evade your punishment again or we'll make it permanent again.
(Niet met andere accounts joinen)