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Killstreaks,Scores, favourite classes etc.

[quote name="RoAdKiLL_Perry"]That would really help because when I'm a troll sometimes I get stuck in a hole and can't get out because of not being able to climb ladders. Also I got a new killstreak of 45 kills with the troll. I have a total of 1861 kills, 2125 deaths, and 1035 points. :D[/quote]

Please report any holes you find in the map to a Mod/Admin online at the time, or post the coords and the map to the forum.
As donator just do /suicide, or ask friends to switch team and kill you.
Forums are not useful to get you out, just to get the hole removed.
I have been stuck in 3-block holes (which location I cannot remember) but so far away from where the other team spawned the directions were far to equivocal to type in chat.
i have an idea
make /suicide for everyone but make it cost 5 points
add a /lobby command for donators that sends them to their teams lobby(- 3 points)
so donators have the ability to not lose their KS if they get stuck and can use that to tp around to other spawns.
Won't do /lobby (as it will be used to escape while keeping killstreak)
Will look into /suicide for everyone.
you could also do a pvp timer so /lobby couldn't be abused...
Anyway i still wouldn't take i away from hero, they paid for what they have, even if it is only 5 euros :P
I cannot do killstreaks. I can kill maybe 2 people in one life as like a commander, but I almost never play as a troll
i had a horrible time getting over a 2 until about 2 weeks ago when i finally started to get good with a bow and i had a stable internet connection
I once got a 38 killstreak with normal archer on Helm's Deep.
Now I've got 72 thanks to Ents.