Hey all, I had an idea recently as it came up in some skype staff chat on improvements and stuff to siege, and things to be added, removed, etc (Like no more main lobbies, which was removed recently.) Now, from bouncing off ideas, I thought of this a long with taking other people's ideas in the staff chat. Thought I'd make a 'lil poll to present to the community first, see what you guys think! So, here goes!
Level up System
So, my idea for this is that everyone starts as 'level 0' in the XP bar (Since I don't think the XP bar is being used for anything as far as I know. Can't remember.) Now, the XP bar would go up and you'd level up with 'things' you do in game. And so there could be many different ways a player can level up. Here are some:
My idea for this is that there could be Quests/Missions for a player to complete in game. meaning there is a possibility for 'quests' like 'Kill 20 orcs and gain 60 xp!', 'Find <insert secret here> and earn 50 xp!', 'You joined the game for the 100th time! + 20 xp!', 'You got your 20th MVP!' etc. It could also boost some rank buying because you could obtain points to the next level if you do so. (Doesn't have to be xp as the currency, just some kind of value.) Even throw some riddles into those quests, for the player to figure out and find!
So, you could have a quest book and keep updated on quests, ranks maybe could have quests when you buy them? (Say, Veteran has 20 more quests for you to complete to then level up more.)
Why level up?
This is for you guys to think about! What would you want in game that could be legit added and make sense? But not be used to give you an advantage in game. The more levels you go up, the more 'stuff' you unlock. For example, naming weapons from a list (so people can't call their sword 'My buttplug' or something like that xD) and possibly having a leader board on whose on what level. So if you guys have ideas for things that make sense that could be added and work with the situations given, that'd be great!