The Uruks are marching led by Saruman down to take the hornburg!. Sauron has instructed Saruman to bring him his supposed new power but he refuses. The Dark Lord is getting angry. He has instructed the Wild Men to take The Orthanc. Sauron then calls and invasion on Minas Tirith. Isengard declines. hard, Rhun, and of course The Orcs of Mordor accept. The Witch-King and Khamul the Easterling as well as Ji Undur Dawndeath the 3 most power Naz-Guls are leading the attack. Though the Elves of Lorein have recently made a pact to protect Gondor so they are sending troops to their aid at once. Rohan to is sending what soldiers they can led by Eomer and Gamling to help. But one thing has happened. Arnor has been re-unified. Eriador has united under the Ancient Banner and are now marching to the aid of the Silvans who are besieging Moria. Dale and The Dwarves are met with a nasty surprise though. A secret rebellion in Erebor/ Dale took the cities as they were undefended. Almost all of their troops are in the city of Mistrand. Knowing that they will soon lose more land they franticly pull their troops back leaving it open for Rhun to re-take and Mordor to take. The High Elves have decided Saruman has troubled them for to long and as the Wild Men march on Isengard so do the High Elves. Harad has recently regained his place with the Dark Lord after losing most of their land. They are weakened very much. But just to make matters worse for Gondor they are in debt and they have broken, scattered armies. They pull in everything they have to Minas Tirith abandon Osgiliath. What happens next I DONT DECIDE.