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Map Game VI: Space Race (two)!

Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer

New member
V1 Lord
Space Race (two)!

Opening log.
The 21st century (Human calendar: 2000-2100 Anno Domini) had gradually seen a decrease in public interest and trust towards space industry. Aeronautics agencies of the time saw their budget go down by the year, misinformation and ignorance gained ground in the public eye, yet they kept researching for human-kind’s sake. Their efforts seemed in vain, until the Humans had their Traveller Encounter.
On the Human calendar’s 205th day of 2084 (Human calendar: 24 July, 2084 A.D.), a ‘’cloud of smoke’’ was seen from Terra (Human name: Earth) on the natural satellite of the planet, Luna (Human name: Moon), followed by a meteor shower of lunar fragments. The material was quickly located on a north-eastern landmass, an area called ‘’Siberia’’, and recovered for study: how could an object pass in their system and hit their satellite while remaining completely undetected? Of course, they discovered minor traces of exotic matter in the samples (the definition of Traveller Encounter is the discovery by a civilisation of exotic matter, commonly known as ‘’Exomat’’), recognising it by the well-known feature of not following or being outside of the Universe’s laws of physics and nature.
It didn’t take long for Human scientists to figure out theoretical applications for the Exomat, and thus private funding pushed for quick development of Luna’s colonisation to retrieve all exotic matter. By Human Calendar 2157 A.D., the Lem Colony was established, and extraction of Exomat went full regime, despite the awful living conditions at the base and the costs of such an operation. The Human Calendar 2219 A.D. saw the first manned vessel travel to the fourth planet in the Sol System, Mars, in two weeks, making full use of early Protean Field Generators and nuclear fusion-powering. By Human Calendar 2318, when planet and moon colonisation was at its peak, a natural wormhole was spotted completely at random in Earth’s orbit, previously classified as a possible asteroid sharing the orbit. Reverse-engineering, exploration and development of D-Sails quickly followed, and since then Humans have be

Greetings, *insert data*. If you are receiving this message, you, like so many other species before and after you, have achieved exotic matter-based society, but were among the parallel universes that were destroyed in the process. Basically, when you tried making a wormhole yourselves, there was a 50% chance of collapsing space and time and eradicating your planet, solar system, galaxy or universe, and it happened.
But we ask you to not worry, for a large number of universes has your species survive and evolve into a galactic superpower that destroyed itself in billions of different ways. But it’s not over for you. The destruction of the wormhole gathered all information needed to bring you into the Traveller Bubble.
What is that? Hell if we know. Like, Tim just woke up one day and said ‘’Yo, let’s throw our matter into random realities and put the guys that blow up into a *DATA ERADICATED*’’ and we all said yes, except Bob, whom we promptly terminated. And it never went beyond that, so we just do that: throw exotic matter into your universes and reconstruct the ones that fail to make wormholes. There’s also the possibility of editing the data to create different things entirely, but that’s up to you.
So, welcome to the Traveller Bubble. Enjoy your stay.*

So, a lot of you might be wondering, ''Riko, what the hell is this thing?''
Well, a Map Game is something I invented long ago, where people would have free will and control over what to put in a specific universe (originally, to fill a map), writing whatever they wanted and how much they wanted. And so, I'm here to do it again in space (also again)! Sci-fi universe that you can fill with whatever you want, writing, drawing, or just ideas!
Are there any rules to your train of madness? Honestly, no.
The log above introduced you to the ''Traveller Bubble'', an artificial galaxy where everything could happen and everything could end up in there, thus allowing you for full control. You want to make a somewhat scientifically accurate thing? Go ahead. You want to make a civilization of pickles on a donut planet? Again, go ahead. You want an army of Bill Nye krogans? Do it.

Orion's Arm Universe Project: a collaborative writing thing that has basically made a hard-science (supposedly realistic), incredibly detailed universe. I can't really explain: there's just so much stuff there.

Mass Effect Wiki: Mass Effect pulled the sci-fi universe thing majestically (except for Andromeda), so I highly suggest taking inspiration from there. Just be wary of spoilers.

Star Wars/Star Trek: NO.

Firefly Wiki: Yeah, why not?

Dune Wiki: Also check this thing. Dune's universe is really, really cool.

DeviantArt: There's a lot of stuff on DeviantArt, and I've already found a lot of awesome drawings for aliens and whatnot. Check it out if you need inspiration.

The SCP Foundation: This writing group has an ''extraterrestrial'' section, so you can have a good read while taking ideas.

Shadiversity: Fine lad, he's made some videos about sci-fi and his own universe too. Go check him out.

Isaac Arthur: A whole channel dedicated to exploring concepts of science, futurism, space exploration and science fiction. Definitively check him out (be wary for long videos and quite a weird accent).

Could add some more, if you guys want. Like, if you have any reference to suggest, I can put it here.

So, what are you waiting for? Draw, write, suggest, just fill up the Traveller Bubble!
A Russian warlord with a small band of die-hard Communists took off to the stars with advanced technologies of all sorts. Cloning pods, state of the art weapons, terraforming tools that could change the landscapes of entire worlds with one click. After landing on a seemingly desolate rock of a planet, they made it just as Mother Russia once was, and from there, began their conquest of the stars. Legions of elite, identical soldiers and vast fleets of planet-destroying ships swarmed through the system. With Claymore and sword any foes before them were wiped out. It was the cunning warlord that discovered biotics, allowing him to change the way of battle with the flick of his wrist.

Soon, the New Soviet Union stretched far across the stars. Every world was guarded by a ring of steel, literally and figuratively. Literally, in the way that each planet, regardless of how small it was, had a Nova ring built around it. Each ring surrounded the planet with an impenetrable shield, with great space stations guarding the few entrances in. Figuratively in the way that the People's Navy, also known as the Sea of Steel, protected every planet with a massive fleet of heavily armored and armed ships, manned by an elite crew. Great factories churn out
So ya you guys remember WW2?
Well all those weirdos were right, the Nazis didn't kill Jews but sent them to space.
Adolf Hitler, or Adolf shekelberg was a Jewish cooperator that helped the elders of Zion to escape from the hateful planet Earth and build an Utopia society where no one hates them because they are Jews (that's coz all of them are Jews).
Developing technology in a rate 100 times faster than the rest of the human race the Jews left the moon 5 days after the American "landed" there.
From the moon to Mars and from Mars to the other solar system the Jews traveled through space and left the milky way to Andromeda and start building their Utopia there.
They have mastered the technology of teleportation, traveling faster than the speed of light and can cure any known disease. They created "the flash" a giant  meatball that keeps growing but feels nothing and a giant planet that grow the ultimate fruit (for the human body).

But, they didn't spent their time on cool shit for nothing. The fear that one day someone will come and find them made this Utopia build a giant defence system to keep them safe, the wormhole generator. This system basically reflect creates a wormhole that take intruders to the other side of the solar system. They also build the "Einstein" this weapon shoot a ray that transform any material into pure energy and can also transfer pure energy into material.