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Mapswitch vote

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Staff member
V2 Legend
Add back /votefor and /voteagainst and basically the map switch system.
Tim agrees we should have such a vote, but it should be only for the next map in the rotation, not a map of your choosing.
/nextmap [<text>]
if arg 1 is "vote":
vote for next map with broadcast and some skript effects
if arg 1 is not set:
start next map

something like that would work. We all have maps we hate, so why not let people VOTE to skip them?
Tim agrees we should have such a vote, but it should be only for the next map in the rotation, not a map of your choosing.
Yeah, we discussed this on the council. No /startmapvote <map>, but we might make it so people can vote for the map to switch to a next, for if current is broken or boring. Which would likely require 75% of people online to agree first. This is already on the to-do list, so this thread can be locked.
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