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Moria Update!


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Network Owner

Moria Great Halls Update
The builders and I have updated some major parts of the Great Halls map, specifically the 21st Hall, Balin's Tomb, and part of the Great Stairs.
21st Hall
LimeeFox has undertaken a major update to this area. Gone are those weird mounds of rubble, and we're back to a more open plan layout like in the olden days. The play area is naturally restricted by two large ravines either side of the hall, and there is now only one flag again, on a collapsed pillar.


Balin's Tomb
You may remember that the_pharaohs_cat implemented a new Balin's Tomb a year or so ago. Well, there's a new one now and it's even better, I'm sure you'll all agree with me when you see it in-game!

Great Stairs Modifications
Due to the major changes we made elsewhere in the map, the opportunity arose to edit the beginning of the Great Stairs. Hopefully gameplay will be a little better, but this infamous area may need further tweaking in the future.


This continues the latest round of Moria updates, which included the Stairs & 23rd Hall a number of months ago.