Upon going through all of these pictures, I am just quite simply appalled. Is this truly what happens on this server? And further more, why do we continue to allow it? This server's purpose is to have fun and make friends, not be bullied. Everyone wants to have a certain feeling of safety and acceptance when they join any community, and from what we now see, we can conclude that this is just not the case on this server... And Andrew, when we just simply forgive the offenders who are verbally assaulting a person, we're giving them the false impression that this kind of abuse is something that is tolerated and in some cases, something that we should hop on the bandwagon and do ourselves.
I understand that many of the offenders are donors, but does that really give them an excuse to harass someone to this extent? Donors are to be held to the same, if not higher standard than normal players. When we continue to allow such blatant abuse of players, it WILL reflect badly on us as a whole. A simple, but not entirely effective solution would be to ban all of these offenders, but I highly doubt that will ever happen. Perhaps instead of a permanent ban, we should instead do a temporary ban for days, weeks, or perhaps even a month to show that this is something that will not be tolerated.