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My Naz-Gul Fund

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New member
V1 Lord
This Fund Is purely based on the generosity of others. I am sorry I can offer no reward, I don't own a server, I'm poor on points, and I have nothing to offer to you as a reward. All I can say is that I'm relying on your generosity to fund my Naz-Gul fund. But I think, once I get Naz-Gul, I might be able to repay you guys who donated with the points I earn with Naz-Gul. So, once I get Naz-Gul, I will attempt to pay you back with all the points you donated, just post how many you donated. But the thing is, if the points stop flowing, and I dont get naz-gul, i may not be able to give you a return on your investment. Be wary. But think about this, the more points you donate, the bigger the chances the fund will succede and you will get a return on your investment.
Great, another beggar. No offense.
However, mind ever taking this to your wall and/or PMs?
[quote user_id="4803008" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/adamrob2002/74.png" name="adamrob2002"]This should have been a wall post.
*lock request*[/quote]

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