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Nerf water

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Staff member
Lead Developer
We should nerf water, it kills you in 3-4 hits. Add that on to players hitting you, it's OP. Mordor is dying to it in osgiliath...
Well, that got off topic really quickly, but I agree with Lime and Sam. Catapults would be much fairer if they didn't instantly kill you. And water should be nerfed too.
Well, that got off topic really quickly, but I agree with Lime and Sam. Catapults would be much fairer if they didn't instantly kill you. And water should be nerfed too.
From the other point of view, it is normal for the catapults (it's their purpose)
[quote user_id="14578743" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/the_pharaohs_cat/74.png" name="the_pharaohs_cat"]Well, that got off topic really quickly, but I agree with Lime and Sam. Catapults would be much fairer if they didn't instantly kill you. And water should be nerfed too.
From the other point of view, it is normal for the catapults (it's their purpose)[/quote]
Tbh, it's funny the countless times I've seen someone standing in front of me, seeing the catapult slowly flying towards them, and then BOOM. Dead. I also think perhaps a reduction in the amount of catapults would be good. A lot of people seem to be lagging from the amount of entities. I myself don't, but people with lower-end pcs - laptops might.
Catapults add a siege sense to the game, however annoying they are; for that reason I believe they should remain.

On the other hand, nerf water already
Catapults add a siege sense to the game, however annoying they are; for that reason I believe they should remain.

On the other hand, nerf water already

you should be able to control catapults. and why not make water an instant killer? or faster killer? if youre in the water you aint doin squat to help your team
Dont nerf water, it is one of the only reasons that the orcs spread and run all across osgiliath from the begining of the game and making it unfair for the defenders.
Catapults should be removed and readded as a useable item with a class to use it (like trolls used catapults in old EW).
Water provides a quick death for players you knock into water. On maps such as Laketown, I highly recommend not nerfing it, as it is crucial to gameplay. On the other hand, it is quite annoying on Osgiliath for the Orcs, as they spawn in boats and have to jump across them avoiding the water to simply join the battle. In my opinion the water really isn't the problem, it's more of the spawn situation on Osgil.
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