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Planned New Achievements: Vote Streaks

This suggestion has been accepted for implementation and will be added in a future update.


New member
I think there should be a greater reward for voter streaks and something to promote regular voting even if you aren't playing that day.

The current system primarily rewards a player for voting by giving them some in game boosts (classes, +50 silver, etc.) The current vote streak system is nice but once you reach 10 gold, the amount of gold you receive stops growing.

I'd propose the following.

15 days:
- Reward: +250 silver (no gold because at 14 you just got some gold)
- Icon: Feather (to write your vote)
- Title: To the Polls!
30 days:
- Reward: +500 silver, 5 gold
- Icon: Paper (your vote)
- Title: ?
75 days:
- Reward: +1000 silver, 10 gold
- Icon: jukebox (cause it looks like a ballot box)
- Title: ?
150 days:
- Reward: +2000 silver, 20 gold, some honorary title like magistrate, ambassador or something cheesy
- Icon: lectern (to give your speeches)
- Title: ?

I am not sure about what to have the titles of the achievements so would love some help with that.