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New Class - RAMMER


New member
V2 King
Map - Minis Tirith + any other map with a lot of gates (Helm's and others)
Purpose - Its main purpose is just to take down gates as fast as possible
Availability - Donor/Point
No Helm
Chain Chest
No Legs
Gold Boots
Stone Sword
5 damage to gates (essentially a moving battering ram)

Optional - Slowness, Wood Sword

Used to take down gates as well as countering the new constructor
I'm not sure how this class would look and work in practice. Maybe a better solution would be allowing certain classes to actually create a battering ram, or something else to break down gates.
Like attacking constructor, who is kinda useless.
I had suggested an elven guard class, which can create shields but shields are not ideal I guess. maybe move that class to orc, and allow it to do the same defensive/tank role (elven guard was a class made to absorb damage, survive, and be a support class for the team). Perhaps make it a dedicated class with less wood but instant restock, and it can create a ram with wood by laying wood in the formation of the ram? I like that idea and it would be useful

but another thing is, now you have eliminated prebracing I don't know how much of an issue this really is now.. gates wont have obnoxious amounts of wood anymore
I'm not sure how this class would look and work in practice. Maybe a better solution would be allowing certain classes to actually create a battering ram, or something else to break down gates.
[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]Like attacking constructor, who is kinda useless.[/quote]

I do think attacking constructor could do with some cool abilities. Not sure how creating a ram would really work though. Perhaps an attacking constructor could be able to quickly create a shelter for those bashing gates, but then again they could just build that with wood. Perhaps give it extra wood in that case, because there are usually fewer restocks outside gate and I don't think it'd be as disruptive as giving defending constructor more wood.