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New Maps - New People (Build-Team wanted!)


New member
Hey everyone, I am honestly very unsure as to who all here is familiar with who I am, so here's a quick backstory so y'all know where I'm coming from;

I was originally a usual player on Conwy or 'DarkAges' and, made a sort of reputation on that server as a builder, pvper, smack-talker, and overall jack*ss. My low personal goals were to play and participate in a successful community that had fun and worked the way it was supposed to. When Conwy was shut down, me and a few other former conwy names created a server called 'Tales of War' which played well, worked well, and had some pretty kick-*ss maps, some of which I contributed to building. When my senior year of highschool started I had no time to put into games, and decided to quit ToW and focus on my studies and work.

*This is where the point begins*

I come to this server now and see that it has stood its ground despite the many competing servers that have risen and fallen in the past. Yet, I notice a dwindling in numbers that have originally been peaking in the 30's to 50's. With less of a workload on my shoulders I have been giving myself time to put myself back into the community of PvPers in which I have been formally known in. However, I wish to integrate myself into this community by helping this server gain players, perhaps new maps and concepts and of course, continue to make this server a place for PvPers to have fun and prosper.


I am currently building (In the hopes of getting work done on) two GoT (Game of Thrones) themed maps. These maps will be the following'

- Siege of Castle Black
- 2nd Siege of Meereen

However, I am one person that only has two hands. I am seeking builders and those who wish to see this community grow.

DM me if you're interested.
I prefer if you are the ages 17+
And if you are capable of listening, collaborating, and understanding.
I wouldn't say 'gone', just kinda lazy, as always they were.

Also, 'dwindling' players. EW v2 only ever peaked at an average of 25-30 players. This week it has gone down a little, but all can be explained here:
