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Oh look a penny

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General Iroh

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V2 Lord
jk its 20 class ideas and i want ppl to borrow and shape and then post in questions

Dwarven Firebreather:
Name: Dwarven Firebreather
Map: Moria gold, Moria, maybe Erebor
Armor: Iron chest, Chain pants and boots
Weapons: Stone ax (kb 2, fire aspect 1, unbreaking 1), 3 Firebombs
Specials: Slowness, fire resistance
Ability: If he catches fire, he gets slowness 2 and weakness 1
Cost: Lord

Name: Dwarven Ironhills Rider
Map: Erebor
Armor: grey leather cap, Iron chest, Iron pants and boots, All Protection 3 and Projectile Protection 2
Weapons: Iron "Hammer" [ax] with Knockback 2, Sharpness 1
Specials: Rides a pig or horse, spawns only outside on Erebor but can ride in, has strength 1 and slowness 1 when off pig. Can spawn either after 20 min or when the orcs have taken erebor gate and the dwarves retake it.
Abilities: Getaway (on boar, speeds up significantly to about speed 1-2 and gains resistance, but also gets weakness and lasts for 10 seconds), Strike (Becomes more Vulnerable to damage by enemies [damage taken increases by 40% but gains strength 2] effective for 10 seconds)
Cost: 4000
Name: Dwarven Ironhills Pikeman
Map: Erebor, possibly Moria
Armor: Grey leather Chest, Iron pants and boots
Weapons: Longpike (Sharpness 3), shield
Specials: Stronger pike (either through pike arrow buff or strength or some other way)
Abilities: Impenetrable Defense (Has a special shield that blocks arrows, braces gate with just one pikeman, and reduces damage taken from a rock by 50%, which means rocks only do half health to him.)
Cost: 3500
Name: Dwarven Specialist
Map: Erebor, possibly Moria
Armor: Full Leather dyed grey
Weapons: gold ingot (blessing ring), Feather (levitate), empty glass bottle, stone ax sharpness 2 unbreaking 1.
Abilities: Can spawn a temporary impenetrable shield for maximum 5 seconds, 30 sec cooldown, Can use blessing ability with 1.5 min cooldown (blessing reveals all enemies even those behind walls by making them glow, effective after 1.9, blessing works for 30 seconds), can cause Levitation (makes enemy float 10 blocks above ground for 10 seconds, ability has 20 second cooldown)
Cost: 4000

Name: Goblin Pyromaniac
Maps: Moria gold, possibly moria and erebor
Armor: Full Leather dyed a firey orange, has fire resistance 1 and projectile protection 1 on all armor
Weapon: Wooden pike (with Fire or chance of fire on hit), firebombs
Special: Resistance
Cost: Sage
Goblin Thief
Maps: Moria Gold, Moria, Erebor, Laketown
Armor: Leather Chest, Chanimail leggings and boots
Weapon: Stone Sword Sharp 1, Unbreak 1
Specials: Speed 1, Can throw back fallen axes, Gains All weapons of his last victim (if he kills hammerer, gets hammer. if he kills archer, gets iron pickaxe and bow).
Cost: 4500

Name: Woodland Elf
Maps: Erebor, Laketown
Armor: Full Leather, dyed a musky green
Weapons: Gold Sword Sharpness 1, Kb1, Bow (infinity, punch 1)
Specials: Jumpboost, Pow Pow (if kills enemy with a bow, then bow power goes up by 1, stackable, pow resets after 2 minutes of moving to power 1.), Quickstrike (If melees enemy, Gains Resistance 1 and Speed 1 for 20 seconds).
Cost: 5000
Name: Elven bladethrower
Map: laketown, Helms
Armor: Gold chest, leather pants, gold boots
Weapons: 6 Throwing knives, restockable, cannot be picked up. Also Has Iron Sword for melee.
Special: throws knives (gold swords), speed and resistance 1
Cost: 3500
blessing also comes with 1.9
Name: Young Troll
Maps: Moria Gold, Moria, Erebor
Armor: Iron Chest, Chain panties and boots
Weapons: Wooden Goblin Club
Specials: Resistance 1, Strength 1
Abilities: Implements Tier system (credit Nautilus), tier goes up as kills do
Tier 1: Unbreaking 1
Tier 2: Unbreaking 2
Tier 3: Sharpness 1
Tier 4: Knockback 1
Tier 5: Knockback 2
Tier 6: Can throw rocks
Tier 7:Resistance 2
Tier 8: Protection 1
Tier 9: Projectile Protection 1
Tier 10: Speed
Cost: 4000
ty for reminding me to add poll and color szuc
Removed Goblin Chemist because goblins would not know any chemistry, therefore they would never have potions. Removed sun of dorin and dwarven tank. Added grey wizard and goblin thief. Removed blessed elfie

Name: Rohan Skilled Warrior
Maps: Edoras, Helms (maybe)
Armor: Chain chest pro 1, leather pants pro 1, Iron boots and Gold helmet (all enchanted Protection 2 Projectile Protection 1
Weapons: Iron Sword and bow 16 Arrows
Specials: resistance 1 slow 1
Cost: 5000
Name: Farmer of Rohan
Maps: Edoras, Helms
Armor: Chain Chest, Leather pants, Leather boots
Weapons: Iron Shovel Sharpness 2, Knockback 1, Has Iron ax/pickaxe that represents a scythe that when equipped gives farmer slowness 3 but when in hand gives farmer Strength 2.
Specials: Resistance, Strength
Cost: 4000

(warg trainer edit)
Name: Warg Trainer
Changes: Make it playable on Edoras, Make the wargs recharge up to 10, keep start of 5
Name: Heavy Uruk
Maps: Isengard, helms
Armor: Iron Chest, Iron pants, Chain boots
Weapons: Iron Battle Ax Fire aspect 1, 4 Iron throwing Axes, restockable, can be picked up on isengard
Specials: Slowness 1, Jumpboost 1
Cost: 3500
Name: Uruk Skrimisher
Maps: Edoras, Helms
Armor: Leather chest, Iron boots feather falling 2-3
Weapons: Iron Sword Sword Sharpness 1, 1 spear (restockable)
Specials: Speed 2, Jumpboos 1, Can be Thrown by olog hai or normal uruk soldier over walls. Same throwing velocity of a snowball, and takes Normal Minecraft Fall damage, not EW enhanced.
Cost: 3500
Name: Uruk Striker
Maps: Edoras, Helms, Isengard, maybe add to other maps too if well liked
Armor: Chain Helmet, Iron Chest, Iron leggings, Chain boots (all protection 1 projectile protection 2)
Weapons: Iron Sword Sharpness 2 (without vote, and yes vote may be applied. Just hear me out). also has glass bottle of water(steroids) which can be right clicked to be drunk
Specials: Slowness 3, Weakness 2
Abilities: Overdose (gets adrenaline rush, giving him speed 2 and strength 2, but also doing 1 heart of damage per second until he dies). slowness and weakness goes away
Cost: 4000
Uruk Roper/Grappler [credit cluckman]
2500 pts.
Armour: Iron Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Chainmail Boots
Weapons: Iron axe, Rope (fishing rod)
Speed 1
Special: When its hook hits an ent, it bestows slowness 2, stackable, to the enemy. With enough ropers, the ent is effectively paralized.
All stats are without vote included. Vote may be applied unless indicated
Added striker

Name: Ithilien Spearman
Map: Osgilitah
Armor: Standard Ithilien armor
Weapons: Iron Sword, 5 spears (all 5 restockable)
Specials: Speed 1, throws spears every 5 seconds instead of 10
Cost: 3500
Swan Classes/Dol Amroth Reinforcements {All leather Blue dyed} Now i know we have Dol Amorth Knight, but I feel that it is not a "knight" class; more of a striker class. My class suggestions provide balance and variety - i have a striker and an archer and a true knight of Swan Lake.
Class Name: Dole Amroth Heavy/Swan Soldier
Map: tirith
Armor Level: Blue leather helmet, Diamond chest, Iron pants and boots
Weapons: Stone Sword
Enchantments: KB 1 on Sword, Sharpness 2, and unbreaking 1
Special Items/Abilities: Slowness 1, Tankiness (When hit by melee, slowness goes away and gets speed 1, and gets Haste (stackable until 3) for 5 seconds)
Cost: 4500
Name: Dole Amroth Archer/Swan archer
Class Armor Level: 9 (Leather Helm and Chest, Chain leggings and boots)
Class Weapons: Wood Sword KB 1, Bow
Enchantments: Projectile Protection 1 on chest, feather falling 1 on boots, Pow 1 and punch 1 and infinity on bow
Special Items/Abilities: speed
Cost: 3500
Name: Dol Amroth Striker/Swan Scout
Armor: 8 (Leather Helm and Chest, Chain leggings)
Weapons: Iron Sword and Spear
Enchantments: KB 2, Sharpness 2, Projectile Protection 2 on all armor
Specials: Speed 1, Jump boost 1
Abilities: When hit by an arrow, gets weakness. When hits someone in battle gets regeneration 1 and speed 2 (5 seconds) and after getting a kill, regeneration 3 for 5 seconds.
Cost: 4000
Name: Grey Wizard
Map: Erebor, possibly Moria
Armor: Full Leather dyed grey
Weapons: Gold Staff with kb 2 sharpness 3, gold ingot (blessing ring), Feather (levitate)
Abilities: Can spawn a temporary impenetrable shield for maximum 5 seconds, Can use blessing ability with 1.5 min cooldown (blessing reveals all enemies even those behind walls by making them glow, effective after 1.9, blessing works for 30 seconds), can cause Levitation (makes enemy float 10 blocks above ground for 10 seconds, ability has 20 second cooldown)
Cost: 4000
Notes: Before you dismiss this for being a "character class" lets look at a major flaw in your logic: Helms deep - rohan did not have a wizard, neither did isengard AT ALL till the horses arrived, and rohan can't use wizard then. makes perfect sense 10/10. Osgiliath - mordor had no wizard, gondor had one when falling back, not in beginning, and only 1, therefore making it a character class, that is 100% Free No votes no points no cash necessary. Same with Minas Tirith and morgul at one point. Isengard also has 1 wizard but there are like 3-4 usually. A class like such is necessary for erebor. Now accept it.
Glow just reveals enemies through walls. Its a fun and kinda op ability which is why it has a large cooldown.
Name: Lossanarch Specialist
Map: Morgul, Black gate
Armor: Iron chest enchanted protection, chain pants, leather boots
Weapons: 8 iron knives, restockable, but cannot be picked up (due to ladder mechanics), Stone Sword Sharp 1, Knockback 1, Unbreaking 1, Crossbow pow 4 shorter reload time than uruk crossbow
Cost: 6500
Name: Lossanarch Captain
Maps: Morgul, Black Gate
Armor: Diamond Chest, Iron pants
Weapons: Stone Sword
Specials: Tier system, 1 tier per kill, starts with slowness
Tier 1: Sharpness 1
Tier 2: Unbreaking 1
Tier 3: slowness goes away
Tier 4: Gets 5 Spears
Tier 5: Sharpness 2
Tier 6: Protection 1
Tier 7: Projectile Protection 1
Tier 8: Restock spears
Tier 9: Strength
Tier 10: Spear time cut in half
From here on out, all kills restock spears and fix all armor/swords
Cost: 5500

Sauron's team:
Haradrim Spearman (Adjustment)
Map: Osgiliath, Tirith
Armor: Chain chest, Leather pants and boots (Same projectile protection enchants)
Weapons: Iron Sword no enchants, 3 POISON spears
[that would fix the issue of it being mildly underpowered and harads had poison on everything]
Haradrim Concepts (hopefully added) {all leather red dyed}
Name: Haradrim Swordsman
Map: Osgiliath, Tirith
Armor: Iron Chest, Leather pants and boots, Projectile protection and protection
Weapons: Stone Sword Unbreaking 1 and Sharpness 1, Poison on the Sword
Special: Resistance 1, Slowness 1
Ability: when hit, slowness is replaced with speed for a short time (5 seconds maybe)
Cost: 4500
Name: Haradrim Longpiker
Map: Tirith (possibly Osgiliath too)
Armor: Leather Chest and Pants
Weapons: stone LongPike (Either always poison and no sharpness or chance of poison upon contact with enemy and sharpness 1)
Special: Speed 1
Abilities: none
Cost: 4000
Name: Umbar Corsair
Maps: Tirith
Armor: Chain Chest, Leather pants, Leather boots
Weapons: Gold Ax Sharpness 2, Knockback 1, unbreaking 1, Hook (represented by a gold shovel, locks enemy into place for 5 seconds)
Specials: Strength, Slowness 1
Cost: 3000
Necromancer/Servant of Sauron
Maps: Tirith, Morgul, Black gate,
Armor: Full leather dyed black
Weapons: Stone Sword unbreaking 2, knockback 1, Sharpness 2; spawn eggs
Special: Starts with 8 zombie spawn eggs, as he gets kills (either by melee or minions) he gains spawn eggs. also uses tier system
Tier 1: +2 Zombie and +2 Skeleton
Tier 2: +4 Zombie and +2 Skeleton
Tier 3: +6 Zombie and +2 Skeleton
Tier 4: +2 Zombie and +1 Skeleton and +4 Spider
Tier 5: +2 Zombie and +1 Skeleton and +2 Pigmen
Any after Tier 5 only gives 2 zombie, 1 skeleton, 1 pigmen, and 1 spider [Note that minions are NOT very mobile - they move slowly and cannot be restocked unless he gets a kill, therefore they aren't nearly as op as it seems. Mobs do regenerate health slowly, however.
Cost: 10000

also i was inspired for abilities by Mass_Explosive, who also wrote this one of his own:
Orc Rager
Maps: Minas Tirith, Morgul, Black Gate, Osgiliath, (doesn't have to necessarily all these maps, but the class is Mordor themed)
Head: None
Chest: Chain w Projectile Protect 1
Legs: none
Feet: none
Iron Sword w sharpness 1 (sharp 2 with vote)
Strength 1
Special Abilities:
Battle Rage
Blood Lust
Cost: 4500-5500 (basically this should be a higher cost class)
How Battle Rage works, whenever hit by a melee attack (or attack in general if too difficult to code) you gain
a speed boost 2 for 5 secs and strength 1 bumps up to strength 2 for same duration as speed.
Blood Lust works like this, you have to be in Battle Rage and get a kill. When you get a kill during Battle Rage it activates
your blood lust ability giving you regeneration 2 for 5-8 secs
Only things I would edit is increase the armor by just a little bit, and battle rage should give speed oh and i would add the gold ingot of blessing, for the uruks/orcs
Chain chest and pants would be better, with projectile protection 2 ofc.
Most of the classes are more EW v.1 likely because of the ubreaking, now we don't need that anymore. I would like to see something with levitation.
well done, I don't know how this would play out, but they are pretty cool ideas, especially the tiered system. although that might make that character a little unfun to play against, and would definitely need to have a limit to how many of them there are
These classes seem just much stronger versions of whats on EW already. Also protection works vs arrows so it would stack with projectile protection.
De ja vu? Have I seen these before. Maybe not. But it'll be a long read xD
At least they are ideas, even if the exact classes won't be implemented.
Tobb you have seen most of them under different name or texture.

Those classes are like mobile games, they copy a successful one and change the look.
All of the classes are eather classes from EW v.1 or classes from v.2 but with small differences.
Dwarven Firebreather: makes no sence, the dwarves didnt use those weapons.
Dwarven Ironhills Rider: didnt i suggested that one befor? oh yes i did (tim said its cool idea but we will have to buff golbins if we want that class to be added).
Dwarven Ironhills Pikeman: dont we have that one already?
Dwarven Specialist: why dont we just give him resistance 7, strength 255 and fly? also his weapons makes no sence at all.
Goblin Pyromaniac: nice idea, not realistic or lore friendly.
Goblin Thief: he will target hammerer dwarves and he will have no slowness to nerf him, also what about enemies that he push to the lava? (after he steals the hammer)
Woodland Elf: why dont we allow it to also shoot nonstop and remove the archer nerf from him. #BowSpam
Elven bladethrower: who brings a knife to an actual fight?
Young Troll: already suggested the young and grown up troll idea, tim didnt like it and i can understand why (no need for more than 1 troll class).
Rohan Skilled Warrior: thats basicly ranger on steroids, too op. (also if you want to make class like this veteran is better word).
Farmer of Rohan: nice idea but farmers dont fight (unless you are dale, dale are the best).
Warg Trainer: it seems you deleted the class.
Heavy Uruk: this is basicly tank class combined with damage class, too op.
Uruk Skrimisher: when berserker is not op enough.
Uruk Striker: since when uruks have steroids?
Uruk Roper/Grappler: could be nice if we had isengard also tim is kinda against using fishing rod.
Ithilien Spearman: you do understand that the spear throwing procces is not working like that, right?
Dole Amroth Heavy/Swan Soldier: we had something similar caled cistial guard, you just made an op version of this class.
Dole Amroth Archer/Swan archer: when archers dont make players rage enough you add this class.
Dol Amroth Striker/Swan Scout: op berserker.
Grey Wizard: you do understand that the 5 wizards were semi gods and thats why they were so powerful, others had the power of magic though like the dwarves (when a dwarve curse you with something it will happened), elves (3 elven rings) and humans (nomnor (hope i speled their name right)).
Lossanarch Specialist: when crossbow is not op enough you add him 8 throwing knives to finish off whoever dares to chalange this op class.
Lossanarch Captain: change the name to archer targeter and we have a deal (players will target archers to get the upgrades).
Haradrim Spearman: great idea but due to the massive amount of restock chests across every map its not that hard for harad spearman with his 1 spear (every flag has a restock chest near it and between the flags there are restock chests).
Haradrim Swordsman: whats the idea of replacing slowness with speed when he gets hit? when have you herd of the person that got stabbed and was like "lol i lost so much blood i am now lighter and therefor faster". also when vote kicks in this shit is op.
Haradrim Longpiker: 1. pikes are not made out of stone 2. lets give him shield as well so he will be archer proof and melee proof as well.
Necromancer/Servant of Sauron: this class is strong even without any spawn egg, it is stronger than cons, archer and skrimish, now you want to give him undead army? haha nope.
Orc Rager: too hard to code and too underpowered, can be easily killed by rangers at any range, archers at long ande med range and any class but cons and archer at short range.
Dwarven Firebreather: makes no sence, the dwarves didnt use those weapons.
Dwarven Ironhills Rider: didnt i suggested that one befor? oh yes i did (tim said its cool idea but we will have to buff golbins if we want that class to be added).
Dwarven Ironhills Pikeman: dont we have that one already?
Dwarven Specialist: why dont we just give him resistance 7, strength 255 and fly? also his weapons makes no sence at all.
Goblin Pyromaniac: nice idea, not realistic or lore friendly.
Goblin Thief: he will target hammerer dwarves and he will have no slowness to nerf him, also what about enemies that he push to the lava? (after he steals the hammer)
Woodland Elf: why dont we allow it to also shoot nonstop and remove the archer nerf from him. #BowSpam
Elven bladethrower: who brings a knife to an actual fight?
Young Troll: already suggested the young and grown up troll idea, tim didnt like it and i can understand why (no need for more than 1 troll class).
Rohan Skilled Warrior: thats basicly ranger on steroids, too op. (also if you want to make class like this veteran is better word).
Farmer of Rohan: nice idea but farmers dont fight (unless you are dale, dale are the best).
Warg Trainer: it seems you deleted the class.
Heavy Uruk: this is basicly tank class combined with damage class, too op.
Uruk Skrimisher: when berserker is not op enough.
Uruk Striker: since when uruks have steroids?
Uruk Roper/Grappler: could be nice if we had isengard also tim is kinda against using fishing rod.
Ithilien Spearman: you do understand that the spear throwing procces is not working like that, right?
Dole Amroth Heavy/Swan Soldier: we had something similar caled cistial guard, you just made an op version of this class.
Dole Amroth Archer/Swan archer: when archers dont make players rage enough you add this class.
Dol Amroth Striker/Swan Scout: op berserker.
Grey Wizard: you do understand that the 5 wizards were semi gods and thats why they were so powerful, others had the power of magic though like the dwarves (when a dwarve curse you with something it will happened), elves (3 elven rings) and humans (nomnor (hope i speled their name right)).
Lossanarch Specialist: when crossbow is not op enough you add him 8 throwing knives to finish off whoever dares to chalange this op class.
Lossanarch Captain: change the name to archer targeter and we have a deal (players will target archers to get the upgrades).
Haradrim Spearman: great idea but due to the massive amount of restock chests across every map its not that hard for harad spearman with his 1 spear (every flag has a restock chest near it and between the flags there are restock chests).
Haradrim Swordsman: whats the idea of replacing slowness with speed when he gets hit? when have you herd of the person that got stabbed and was like "lol i lost so much blood i am now lighter and therefor faster". also when vote kicks in this shit is op.
Haradrim Longpiker: 1. pikes are not made out of stone 2. lets give him shield as well so he will be archer proof and melee proof as well.
Necromancer/Servant of Sauron: this class is strong even without any spawn egg, it is stronger than cons, archer and skrimish, now you want to give him undead army? haha nope.
Orc Rager: too hard to code and too underpowered, can be easily killed by rangers at any range, archers at long ande med range and any class but cons and archer at short range.

why do u have to be an "ass" what I'm saying is take from this and improve upon it. I will dedicate my own time to defending when I have time. this was just an old document I found with plenty of classes, and it is deja vu since it was made on V1 and edited.

theres a reason why its in discusisons not sugestions, I'm not proposing it yet, I'm just putting the material out there

and for the record iron hills rider was my idea long before it was yours, and now I will go after you for asking tim about it on this version when I proposed 4 different versions on old EW and brought up in chat the iron hills rider on this EW.
Wow much funny such joke.
M8 I just say why I think you are wrong, you can take it wherever you want to.
About the boar rider:
Ok you thought of it first but did nothing, I asked Tim "what about boar rider" Because the halls are huge and he replied something like "cool idea".
Sure I thought about Bitcoin before it was a thing but I did nothing with it. I have nothing and the guy who thought about it after me is rich as trump
Just saying Assassiniv, whenever there is a suggestion or something similar, you tend to take the extremely negative side and act offensive towards suggestions. You're input may be good but the way you say it will anger most people.
True, but someone must be that pessimist guy and show all the wrong things.

dId YoU eVeN rEaD wHaT WiTcH sAiD?!

"You're input may be good but the way you say it will anger most ppl"

when I say hey ass on the server, its an invitation to act like one, my friend
These classes seem just much stronger versions of whats on EW already.

I definitely feel like this is the case. We will discuss these classes and maybe use some aspects of them, but in general I don't think these classes themselves would be a good addition to Empire War.

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