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Osgiliath change thread

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You know why people think Nazgul needs a buff? Because they don't know how to switch play style properly. Mobility boosts are super freaking op compared to armour boosts, atleast for me. But perhaps for people who loves brawling into fights for a dazzling suicide, mobility boosts isn't a very good option.
Btw Python, you're really uncompromised x.x
Thank my crappy iPod's super smallness.
T[quote user_id="1636591" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Only_God/74.png" name="Only_God"]You know why people think Nazgul needs a buff? Because they don't know how to switch play style properly. Mobility boosts are super freaking op compared to armour boosts, atleast for me. But perhaps for people who loves brawling into fights for a dazzling suicide, mobility boosts isn't a very good option.
Btw Python, you're really uncompromised x.x
Thank my crappy iPod's super smallness.[/quote]
I think I can adapt, but I like to jump into big groups. I'm gonna do a bunch of tricks when I get Naz.
Ithlien Melee has as much armor as a mage. It does a bit more damage then a mage. It doesn't have fireballs. It doesn't have regen potions. It doesn't have knockback. They both have speed. Ithlien Melee is just a extremely nerfed mage with a tad bit more damage. Oh, not to mention it is limited to 4 spawning areas and costs 3,000 points. Seem fair? HELL NO ONLY
Ithlien Melee has as much armor as a mage. It does a bit more damage then a mage. It doesn't have fireballs. It doesn't have regen potions. It doesn't have knockback. They both have speed. Ithlien Melee is just a extremely nerfed mage with a tad bit more damage. Oh, not to mention it is limited to 4 spawning areas and costs 3,000 points. Seem fair? HELL NO ONLY

Yes, let's compare Ilthilien Melee with MAGE '-'
[quote user_id="4867771" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Pythonawe/74.png" name="Pythonawe"]Ithlien Melee has as much armor as a mage. It does a bit more damage then a mage. It doesn't have fireballs. It doesn't have regen potions. It doesn't have knockback. They both have speed. Ithlien Melee is just a extremely nerfed mage with a tad bit more damage. Oh, not to mention it is limited to 4 spawning areas and costs 3,000 points. Seem fair? HELL NO ONLY

Yes, let's compare Ilthilien Melee with MAGE '-'[/quote]
i could do worse, like citadel, archer, regular melee, ranger, and any class except great goblin. that one sucks.
Getting a average of 5-15 kills each life. Such bad class, cause I am use to getting 30 kills per life. I guess to your comparison mage would get 40-700 as average. It's also 6 flags btw.
Getting a average of 5-15 kills each life. Such bad class, cause I am use to getting 30 kills per life. I guess to your comparison mage would get 40-700 as average. It's also 6 flags btw.
which class? you mean the super strong chieftan? i luv dat one, though i usually get over 10 depending on which flag and the amount on. (i do best with 15 not 150)
Considering the concession and your juvenile and uncompromised behavior. I presume your statements were forfeit trolling to aggravate me via ridicules unlogical proclamation. Also judging by your more recent threads/posts, I advice you not to incorporate profanity or disrespect to either staff nor players. Maintaining your current attitude will result in punishment.
This is a warning, having enough of your horrendous vaunting and pessimism Python.
Ithilien Melee is a class that makes good players do even better and bad players just completely fail. Thats what speed does a good player using any class with speed can take down any other class without getting hit if executed properly.
Give ithlien rangers more arrows like 64 instead of 50 (PS: I really like the not infinity arrows thing)
This is just a thing I noticed: Osgiliath is The Walking Dead.
Not believe me?
-All the armies's soldiers get scattered in many groups of few people
-All of them attack each other
-There are many ''loners''
-There are zombies in the sewers and other underground buildings/tunnels
It's basically like Erebor, in some cases. Once the bridge falls, it's very difficult to defend. Some of the spawns are too exposed. One has a prime sniper spot. But sometimes the bridge is a giant funnel. Mages with flamethrower can decimate any bridge being built across. If you fall into the water, you are done for. Gondor gets the Ranger and Soldier classes too late to make a real difference, due to how difficult it can be to find the enemy or the flag.
Considering the concession and your juvenile and uncompromised behavior. I presume your statements were forfeit trolling to aggravate me via ridicules unlogical proclamation. Also judging by your more recent threads/posts, I advice you not to incorporate profanity or disrespect to either staff nor players. Maintaining your current attitude will result in punishment.
This is a warning, having enough of your horrendous vaunting and pessimism Python.
How is me suggesting this horrendous? Osgiliath is a new map and in your post you basically told us complain about things we think should be fixed. Like the melee....
It's basically like Erebor, in some cases. Once the bridge falls, it's very difficult to defend. Some of the spawns are too exposed. One has a prime sniper spot. But sometimes the bridge is a giant funnel. Mages with flamethrower can decimate any bridge being built across. If you fall into the water, you are done for. Gondor gets the Ranger and Soldier classes too late to make a real difference, due to how difficult it can be to find the enemy or the flag.
The flags are poorly labeled, and there aren't enough directions. Even though it's not as big as erebor, it's very easy to wander around without seeing any flags, or even direction signs.

And the bridges are horrible funnel points. The number of arrows flying around is ridiculous when there are 50+ people on.
Constant complaining on Ithilien Soldier with horrendous examples, which explained multiple times "does not need a change" simply because you're terrible with that specific play style. Likewise relates to your Nazgul complaining. upon such uncompromised boasting I indubitably acknowledge it as trolling Python.

Changing up the bridge a little to reduce arrow spam will be main goal then. No more valuable information/suggestions were performed, sooo locked and thanks for suggestions ^^
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