Empire War was never a Pay to win server. I know a lot of people agree on that. But seeing a few things removed from the donator ranks causing no one to want to pay for donator anymore is just stupid. Has EW really been a pay to win server all this long. Donator ranks on Ew give Powerful kits like nazgul, balrog, and others. Now that everyone has realized that this is true and really want EW back, apparently no one is willing to get EW back. Was EW only able to get its popularity and survival off of extremely op donator ranks? Tim just recently added Age of war we should not throw this all away when we could still fix this mess. Why don't we start making more games, and start realizing that we shouldn't only pay for OPness. Its time for us to realize Donator ranks are only for those who would like to donate to the server and in exchange we get ranks. Just because the ranks get a little less OP than before doesn't mean we go into a crisis.