If you need to borrow points...
You must pay back within 30 days or ur credit rating is destroyed
Up to 1000 loan - 50% interest
Up to 5000 loan - 35% interest
Over 5000 - contact for negotiation
If u r deemed as untrustworthy by our committee (me) I won't lend
If you are too untrustworthy for higher loans you will have to borrow less
If you try something like 1001 points I will still charge 50% interest
You must pay back within 30 days or ur credit rating is destroyed
Up to 1000 loan - 50% interest
Up to 5000 loan - 35% interest
Over 5000 - contact for negotiation
If u r deemed as untrustworthy by our committee (me) I won't lend
If you are too untrustworthy for higher loans you will have to borrow less
If you try something like 1001 points I will still charge 50% interest