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poit classes


New member
V1 Sage
cross bow:
map: helms deep
side: uruk hai
equipment: 5 porckchops, bow named crossbow, wooden sword with knockback 1.
armor: iron boots, leather pants, chain chestplate with projectile protection 1, uruk head.
effects: slowness 2 when reloading slowness 3.
explanation: the crossbow will work like it worked in EW BUT with slight diffrance. The crossbow will deal the same damage as ranger deals for that distance and effect the target with slowness, weakness and blindness. The effects simulate the pain of the solder when the arrow pierce his armor.
This will nerf the 1 shot annoying crossbower and change the class from OP camper class that can 1 shot everyone to a support class that can easily fight back archers but can hardly kill them and by that allow his team to actually climb up the wall or bash the gate when rohan goes all archers.
the reason for the sword is that classes such as spearman, ranger and mage can easily counter him when they get close to him using 1 (or more in the case of the ranger) of their special attacks and then entering a melee fight.
possible options:
* Possible ability is that the crossbow can break shields.
* Possible enchant on the bow is punch, to knock the target due to the high speed of the arrow.
* Possible build for the class is to remove the effects and the sword and just give the bow punch 2 and knock back 1.
This is the most a e s t h e t i c a l l y pleasing thread you have ever made.
Goblin cannibal:
map: moria (possibly moria gold)
side: goblins
equipment: 2 porckchops (1 is the max in refill), ghost tear named teeth with sharpness (idk how much), normal bow, iron sword
armor: chain chest plate, iron pants and leather boots (WIP)
effects:  weakness slowness, when hit player with teeth it removes the slowness.
explanation:  when a cannibal goblin kill his pray (dwarf) he gets rotten flash, when he eats the rotten flash (dwarf's meat) he loose his weakness, gain Regen 1 for 2-3 second and speed for 12 seconds. (Unlimited capsity for the rotten flash) he can pick up 3 arrows from the floor and shoot them with his normal bow (deals like ranger or less)
possible options:
* Possible ability is that the cannibal can eat his own teammates or when they die they drop flesh.
* he gets the effects when he kills and not when he eats.
* when he doesn't eat for a while he gets nausea, weakness 2 and slowness 2.
* The teeth give the player who got hit nausea or weakness.
M8 lotr is dark, look at sons of horin (hope I spelled his name right) which had sex inside the family, killed each other and all died horrible death....
Shit, that's like GOT
I like technical classes, but I feel speed is not a strong enough buff for a short time.. strength for 3 seconds I think would not make him too op but be able to hold his own against a group of enemies, but he would also have to stay near the fight.
Iron hills warrior/dwarf:
map: moria (possibly moria gold and maybe erebor when it will be added)
side: dwarves
equipment: 1 throwing axe, shield with knock back 1 and sharpness (should deal less than the throwing axe) and 10 PC (pork chops)
armor: (WIP, I can't check how much armor bars every piece of armour gives)
effects: slowness (and maybe strength or resistance)
explanation:  the iron Hill warrior have a single throwing axe that allows him to finish off escaping targets or take down already hurt archers. Even though his melee is his axe he can still dash with his shield.
possible changes:
* Perhaps add an iron pickaxe (no enchants) and remove the sharpness from the shield.
* Maybe give him strength or strength 2 and remove the sharpness.
* Can change the name to blue mountain dwarf/ warrior if all the dwarves came from the iron hills to fight the goblins.
* Loose 2 hunger after throwing axe and only have carrots as food (or loose enough bars so it takes 2 porks to refill it).