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Random Roleplay Thread


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V1 Veteran
This thread is for people in the roleplay to do random shiz - build things, move people, send invitations to banquets or councils, etc. STAY ON TOPIC. If you invite people to a social gathering, make a new thread so that this thread won't be multi-topical.
*Beepbobit has begun construction on a large, new public library in his city Rivendell. Looking for an architect and people to give books to the library.
*Kordian Has started to set up military posts on the Emyn Arnen, he estimates that it
will take some time until they are set up, but will help in advance warning in terms of Invasions*

My archives are quite extensive - despite the stereotype, we Dwarves love to read, especially history and lore, and I especially am a patron. I would be glad to donate a number of common tomes and one or two select works on architecture and tinsmithing.

My archives are quite extensive - despite the stereotype, we Dwarves love to read, especially history and lore, and I especially am a patron. I would be glad to donate a number of common tomes and one or two select works on architecture and tinsmithing.
Thu, king of Erebor
I would love to have some of your common tomes for the public library, as well as some historical tomes about erebor for the public archive, however I would also love more rare, primary source type documents for my personal collection.
I would also like to announce that I am expanding the walls of Rivendell, repairing the few walls that there were, so that Rivendell will remain secure for the foreseeable future
That's not mah title. :P

We Dwarves are very secretive with our lore and knowledge. I will, however, loan to you the only surviving record of the Dwarves' time in the Ered Mithrin, for your scribes to copy. I shall expect the original back within two months of its loan.
No ones built anything warlike so I might as well!

*Everybody13 orders the construction of a new Flagship, the task is immense and slowed even further by the lengths gone to conceal it from enemies of Umbar. The entire construction will be carried out in the inner harbor and be kept a secret from the general population of the city. Taxes have been raised to fund the building of the new ship, the public has been told that the city's streets need to be fixed and re-cobbled. In reality the majority of the new revenue will go to carpenters and shipwrights, and the wages of the men to sail her. The Sea Kings Wroth design echoes the glory of Numenorian Sea Power of old, and will be a terror to all who oppose her.*
*Riko Dragonfangs sends a message to a dwarven village asking for an engineer to build some siege weapons for him.
After that, he says:''My people technically are the barbarians of Middle Earth, we have no idea how to build a catapult. Maybe I should build a school...
@Every. ._.

To Riko, Mitikoson,
From Thalin I, heir of Durin, lord of the Longbeards, King Under the Mountain,

I received your missive and would be happy to lend you one of my engineers: Gwari, son of Halin. He shall assist you in the construction of half a dozen Dwarf-make catapults. I also suggest you journey to Imladris, to the great library, where you will no doubt find several books which Beepbobit is willing to give in the assistance of building a new educational facility. Perhaps you may also ask of him several scholars to return with you and teach a few people until they are ready to teach others.
Dimitri begins the construction of a large road heading from Edoras to the following locations: Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Isengard, (If we ever clear it.) Minas Trinith, and Erebor. He also begins to muster a small force for a raid on the dam of Isengard. And sends some old books from Gondolin to Rivendell.
Psst, you have a road to both Isengard and Minas Tirith, and the North-South road links up with the East-West road to get you to the Havens, which, considering that it passes through Rivendell (another goal of yours, btw), the Foresaken Inn, Bree, and The Shire, probably makes it preferable to journeying through Enedwaith and Minhiriath and the southern foothills of the Ered Luin.
As for Erebor, I'll help. My Dwarves will build all the way to the southern border of Mirkwood. Hmm maybe I'll put up toll booths.
Lorién reeducates it's smiths in forging great weapons of old. They shall once again make the greatest weapons in Middle-Earth.
And to counter the armies of Middle-Earth, Rohan has begun a mass retraining of all it's troops, in the hope of Rohan becoming a force that could rival the elves in skill.
Pfft, only Celebrimbor had the skill to rival our smiths since Feanor. Our weapons are the greatest in the land.