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RPG questline broken. One tiny mistake = 5 impossible quests


New member
V1 Lord
I've been on the rpg server for a while, and as many people might have complained, the farmer in woodland is broken.

The farmer having a constantly pending quest means you cannot complete the millman's quest in woodland.

Yet again, because of the pending quest, you cannot deliver the woodland farmer the message from Stormhaven's shepherd.

Now that Stormhaven's shepherd has a constant quest, you cannot deliver him the hay bales from the windmill harbor town north of woodland.

Because you cannot deliver the hay/get wheat you cannot get bread, which is needed to complete the quest for the hermit in Stormhaven.

Now, I will get extremely frustrated if anyone says that the mods don't have time for this. Why? Because the one single thing, causing all of this, is a missing button. Legit, that's it. A button needs to be placed on the water tower in woodland, and then the button needs to be hooked into the farmer's quest, and every single one of these chain reactions will be solved.

The picture's text is a bit snarky, and I apologize for that, but I'm not skilled enough with Paint to know if/how I can edit text once it's entered:


I got Tim to fix it when he came online.

He really needs to give some of the mods full admin access to plugins for stuff like this.
[quote user_id="10223534" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/getfugu/74.png" name="getfugu"]I got Tim to fix it when he came online.

He really needs to give some of the mods full admin access to plugins for stuff like this.
No that would be risky, there is such thing as a rogue mod and that could ruin EVERYTHING.[/quote]
Don't worry, I'm planning it :evil: jk
My brother [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_Lurtz_/74.png" name="_Lurtz_"]14517543[/user] encountered this problem and has a lever in his inventory. lel.