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Some Classes (Part I)


Head Moderator
Staff member
Head Moderator
V2 King
Dwarven Engineer (2.0)
-Dark Grey Chestplate and leggings
-Chain Boots
-Stone Sword
-1. Has some kind of gun which shoots 5 arrows which do 1,5-2 damage each (20 seconds cooldown)
-2. The ability to spawn a turret for 15 seconds (Functions like the turrets on Moria Gold) (1 minute cooldown(Maybe longer)
Maps: Moria great halls

Elf/Ranger Scout:
-Light Blue/Green Leather Chestplate and Boots
-Chain pants
-Gold/Wooden Sword
-Double Jump (Unlimmeted)
Maps: Elf: Helmsdeep (Comming Elven maps?), Ranger: Osgiliath

-Diamond Chestplate
-Iron Pants and Boots
-Iron Pickaxe (Sharpness II)
Maps: Any dwarf map

Royal Dwarf
-Blue Leather Chestplate
-Chain Leggings
-Black Leather Boots
-Diamond Sword
-Throwing Axe (Can be picked up, restockable)
Maps: Moria Great halls and Erebor?

Uruk Crossbowman
-Dwarven Crossbowman but with black leather in stead of Blue

Note: These are just ideas, please give feedback in stead of commenting without a nuance (Like I do most of the time ;) )
Dwarven Engineer (2.0)
-Dark Grey Chestplate and leggings
-Chain Boots
-Stone Sword
-1. Has some kind of gun which shoots 5 arrows which do 1,5-2 damage each (20 seconds cooldown)
-2. The ability to spawn a turret for 15 seconds (Functions like the turrets on Moria Gold) (1 minute cooldown(Maybe longer)
Maps: Moria great halls

Elf/Ranger Scout:
-Light Blue/Green Leather Chestplate and Boots
-Chain pants
-Gold/Wooden Sword
-Double Jump (Unlimmeted)
Maps: Elf: Helmsdeep (Comming Elven maps?), Ranger: Osgiliath

-Diamond Chestplate
-Iron Pants and Boots
-Iron Pickaxe (Sharpness II)
Maps: Any dwarf map

Royal Dwarf
-Blue Leather Chestplate
-Chain Leggings
-Black Leather Boots
-Diamond Sword
-Throwing Axe (Can be picked up, restockable)
Maps: Moria Great halls and Erebor?

Uruk Crossbowman
-Dwarven Crossbowman but with black leather in stead of Blue

Note: These are just ideas, please give feedback in stead of commenting without a nuance (Like I do most of the time :wink: )
Dwarven Engineer (2.0):
Too OP, the turrets can 1 shot almost every class and just think on more than 2 dwarves that spawn those turrets at the bridge or stairs where it's already hard to capture.
I would say add traps that he can active to the map (can make pillar collapse and slow down enemy, maybe fix broken turrets, perhaps building paths to sniping spots or machines?).
Elf/Ranger Scout:
Sorry but that will make the ranger donor class almost useless.
Great idea, maybe armour or damage changes.
Royal Dwarf:
Suggested a dwarf with only 1 throwing axe and the staff eather ignored it or forgot/disliked it.
Also throwing axe+diamond sword can 2 shot almost all the classes.
Uruk Crossbowman:
Never had a chance to play dwarf cross bow but the uruks need the bloody crossbow
Dwarven Engineer (2.0):
Too OP, the turrets can 1 shot almost every class and just think on more than 2 dwarves that spawn those turrets at the bridge or stairs where it's already hard to capture.
I would say add traps that he can active to the map (can make pillar collapse and slow down enemy, maybe fix broken turrets, perhaps building paths to sniping spots or machines?).
The Turrets on Moria gold?
They did like 0,5 damage per hit...
I made a very similar class to Longbeard for Erebor which got ignored.
Dwarven Engineer (2.0)
-Dark Grey Chestplate and leggings
-Chain Boots
-Stone Sword
-1. Has some kind of gun which shoots 5 arrows which do 1,5-2 damage each (20 seconds cooldown)
-2. The ability to spawn a turret for 15 seconds (Functions like the turrets on Moria Gold) (1 minute cooldown(Maybe longer)
Maps: Moria great halls
Unsure about Tim's ability/will to code that turret thing, and it'd be nice to know more specifics of the idea. In certain situations it could be considered OP I suppose, so perhaps there should be set positions around maps where you can build turrets.

Elf/Ranger Scout:
-Light Blue/Green Leather Chestplate and Boots
-Chain pants
-Gold/Wooden Sword
-Double Jump (Unlimmeted)
Maps: Elf: Helmsdeep (Comming Elven maps?), Ranger: Osgiliath
Tim removed the double-jump code, but I am sure we can convince him to readd it. It's a cool ability, which is what we want after all.

-Diamond Chestplate
-Iron Pants and Boots
-Iron Pickaxe (Sharpness II)
Maps: Any dwarf map
Generally I 'meh' at this sort of class, because it is basically a re-engineered soldier.

Royal Dwarf
-Blue Leather Chestplate
-Chain Leggings
-Black Leather Boots
-Diamond Sword
-Throwing Axe (Can be picked up, restockable)
Maps: Moria Great halls and Erebor?
Like because of special ability, even if it is shared by another class.

Uruk Crossbowman
-Dwarven Crossbowman but with black leather in stead of Blue

[warning]And now we move onto Olex[/warning]
Your class idea was not ignored. It is in the code. But none of us have done any proper testing of it, and as I mentioned before, I meh at classes which are re-engineered soliders. I mean it'd be a point class on Erebor/Moria right? (or just Erebor). How much would it cost? Would it replace hammerer? Does it function as *basically* an upgrade for soldier that you can buy for a few thousand points?
[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]Dwarven Engineer (2.0)
-Dark Grey Chestplate and leggings
-Chain Boots
-Stone Sword
-1. Has some kind of gun which shoots 5 arrows which do 1,5-2 damage each (20 seconds cooldown)
-2. The ability to spawn a turret for 15 seconds (Functions like the turrets on Moria Gold) (1 minute cooldown(Maybe longer)
Maps: Moria great halls
Unsure about Tim's ability/will to code that turret thing, and it'd be nice to know more specifics of the idea. In certain situations it could be considered OP I suppose, so perhaps there should be set positions around maps where you can build turrets.

[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]
Elf/Ranger Scout:
-Light Blue/Green Leather Chestplate and Boots
-Chain pants
-Gold/Wooden Sword
-Double Jump (Unlimmeted)
Maps: Elf: Helmsdeep (Comming Elven maps?), Ranger: Osgiliath
Tim removed the double-jump code, but I am sure we can convince him to readd it. It's a cool ability, which is what we want after all.

[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]
-Diamond Chestplate
-Iron Pants and Boots
-Iron Pickaxe (Sharpness II)
Maps: Any dwarf map
Generally I 'meh' at this sort of class, because it is basically a re-engineered soldier.

[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]
Royal Dwarf
-Blue Leather Chestplate
-Chain Leggings
-Black Leather Boots
-Diamond Sword
-Throwing Axe (Can be picked up, restockable)
Maps: Moria Great halls and Erebor?
Like because of special ability, even if it is shared by another class.

[quote user_id="7503051" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/De_Mik/74.png" name="De_Mik"]
Uruk Crossbowman
-Dwarven Crossbowman but with black leather in stead of Blue

[warning]And now we move onto Olex[/warning]
Your class idea was not ignored. It is in the code. But none of us have done any proper testing of it, and as I mentioned before, I meh at classes which are re-engineered soliders. I mean it'd be a point class on Erebor/Moria right? (or just Erebor). How much would it cost? Would it replace hammerer? Does it function as *basically* an upgrade for soldier that you can buy for a few thousand points?[/quote]
I know it is in the code, i was on the server as Steal added it, he added all of the classes i made without reviewing them, so them being added doesnt mean anything. Crossbow got fully implemented while we didn't hear a word about the others, that's why i said it was ignored because there was no sign of staff even knowing about the others.

The price wasn't decided and it was meant to replace hammerer on Erebor which still were a temporary class there.
the dwarven engineer sounds like the best class suggestion ive ever heard but turrets should not do any kb, and not be allowed to be placed on stairs. or just make it erebor exclusive. longbeard? that's just soldier as said. xbow? buff it before giving uruks a 3.5k worthless class. axthrower? that was proposed long ago and added as donor. wouldn't adding a point one undermine that?