Ok so I have a few Questions first, so I hope the staff can see them.
Q1. Do you guys use world edit?
Q2. When will the next map be released?
Q3. What will be your next big step for getting more players AFTER the merge.( All players vote on PMC btw)
And now here are my suggestions:
S= Suggestion
S1. Get the shield plugin for some classes, Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/shield/
S2. Maybe a magic plugin for a certain new class maybe. (Idk , but any good magic plugin)
S2. Something to stop spammers.
S3: Add 1-2 chat mods?
S4. Maybe just maybe get a building team with the current builders and maybe a competition to see who is the best and they can help build maps.
S5. Get another server up, such as what others were thinking of, the kingdom type of server with factions etc.
S6.Improve the current rescource pack by using LOTR music and if you don't like it, you can just lowers your music on your settings.
S7. Update the downloads of the maps.
S8. Have a link to the clash wars website on the forums.
S9. Have another room at spawn, maybe a hall of staff with big buildings or maybe a hall of fame.
S10. Get another good plugin for the server.
S11. Find a way for the people that don't get on the forums get on the forums!!!
S12: When someone joins the forums, they gain 250 points.
S13. Maybe add a sound when someone posts on your post on the forums, because some people might be afk but I'm not sure if that can happen or it's Enjin's decision.
Leave your ones below and uhhh yeah I can just edit it in!
Q1. Do you guys use world edit?
Q2. When will the next map be released?
Q3. What will be your next big step for getting more players AFTER the merge.( All players vote on PMC btw)
And now here are my suggestions:
S= Suggestion
S1. Get the shield plugin for some classes, Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/shield/
S2. Maybe a magic plugin for a certain new class maybe. (Idk , but any good magic plugin)
S2. Something to stop spammers.
S3: Add 1-2 chat mods?
S4. Maybe just maybe get a building team with the current builders and maybe a competition to see who is the best and they can help build maps.
S5. Get another server up, such as what others were thinking of, the kingdom type of server with factions etc.
S6.Improve the current rescource pack by using LOTR music and if you don't like it, you can just lowers your music on your settings.
S7. Update the downloads of the maps.
S8. Have a link to the clash wars website on the forums.
S9. Have another room at spawn, maybe a hall of staff with big buildings or maybe a hall of fame.
S10. Get another good plugin for the server.
S11. Find a way for the people that don't get on the forums get on the forums!!!
S12: When someone joins the forums, they gain 250 points.
S13. Maybe add a sound when someone posts on your post on the forums, because some people might be afk but I'm not sure if that can happen or it's Enjin's decision.
Leave your ones below and uhhh yeah I can just edit it in!