Improved Osgiliath
Osgiliath has been disliked for far too long, so we've decided to give it an update. This should improve the map and rebalance it.
These are the main changes:
- Docks have been fortified more
- Boat spawns moved forward
- Tomb flag moved to Docks and renamed
- Camp flag moved over the river stream to make battle more compact
- Camp siege-fortified with only two entrance points
- Decorative Siege Towers added to the big bridge
We'll see how this rebalances Osgiliath, and if it needs more change, we'll work on that.

We've continued updating Minas Tirith and focussed on the other levels now, after updating the main gate last update.
These are the main changes:
- Right side of ground level is now blocked off better to prevent people getting lost
- Right side of ground level has been bombarded with catapults and looks more under siege
- Second gate has had minor improvements on the road and walls
- First, second, and third gates are no longer one material (log). They're now a fully built gate
- Third level gate has had a major revamp to balance it out more
More tirith updates will follow, but tirith isn't our priority right now..

Points and point classes
After months of people begging for them, we have finally readded points. Points are a currency earned by playing the game (killing, assisting, capturing things, etc). These can be spent on the newly added Point Classes.
Every team on every map has a point class. These can varry from simple classes like Orc Warrior, to very special classes like Warg Rider. Not all point classes are completely done, and some will need balancing.
These are a all the point classes added:
- Cave Troll
- Royal Guard
- Town Guard
- Warg Rider
- Haradrim Spearman
- Hammerer
- Mercenary
- Dol Amroth Knight
- Hammerer
- Ithilien Soldier
- Town Guard (To be implemented)
- Uruk Reaver (To be implemented)
-Warg Rider
- Warg Tamer (To be implemented)
For more info on their price and equipment, check out this page.
Restock and archers
Restocking has been modified to balance Archers, Torchers, Spearmen, and Axethrowers.
It now slowly restocks items, and keeps you standing still while restocking. Because of this, you can no longer easily restock mid-fight, which makes it more important to save your projectiles and food, and generally keeps battles from lasting forever.
Archers have also been slightly buffed up close and nerfed from far away.
We have also rolled out a small update on the resource pack:
- Most sounds have been removed to make it load quicker
- Diamond pickaxe is now the old Dwarf Hammer
- Most armour now uses the old textures
And that's it for the first big summer update. More updates will follow, stay tuned!