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swapping donor classes

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General Iroh

New member
V2 Lord
recently I had an exchange with steal, and in that exchange we discussed whether I would be able to switch my donor class, and he said that since someone else bought it I was not allowed.
That is perfectly fine, I do not have a problem with that, it makes sense.
What intrigues me, though, is how Olex was able to switch his class, according to Riku, Riku said Ant bought Olex ranger and he had it switched to mage.
this question does not just apply to me, though.
quirky mocking jay is considering switching to medic, I'm told, so I feel that this is a chance to lay out the ground rules and clarify any misconceptions
For one, Olex didn't actually play ranger for more than an hour. Furthermore, someone else bought it for him (i.e: he didn't choose). As such, Tim himself made a personal exception and allowed him to switch classes.

EDIT FROM OLEX: As Tob said i only played it for a very short time, we were in a call with Tim and Ant had talked to him before giving me the class (That i didn't expect getting). That was the only reason i was allowed to switch

If you have actually played your donor class (or had it for a while, and not played it), then of course you can't switch. Then you could theoretically play every donor class/pack in the game and we would gain nothing - remember the idea of donor classes it to donate (and recieve the class as a thank you).

So the rule is: You cannot switch. If you want to switch due to an innocent mistake, contact one of the staff members and we will talk to Tim.

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