I know this isn't under the teams forums, because no one looks at those forums.
This weekend on the 12th and 13th of September, I will be doing a reunion event for all of the old #TeamElite members, all old members are welcome as well as anyone else who wants to come along and see what we used to be like. I'm aiming for this to be a fun 2 days on Empire War, without the constant flame wars that it used to come with. We'll basically be going on Empire War, all on 1 team and setting map capture records, getting insane domination and overall having a great time. Hopefully we can get 30/40 of the old #TeamElite members on for this.
This is in no way a reforming, I tried that and it didn't work.
For anyone living in Europe, It will take place from sometime early afternoon on Saturday, to hopefully late Sunday EU time . I'm not NA and won't be on all the time, but I'll try and be there a lot however hopefully someone can take over whilst I am not there. Don't feel pressured to stay, but if you're NA then you might want to come on quite early for your time, that's when it'll probably be at it's biggest. Ending with a big party in our Osgiliath HQ (amazing build by Only God) on Sunday night.
If you want to come then please reply to this, would be nice to get a rough estimate of how many are coming, as well as share this round to old members who maybe don't come on as much anymore.
Gonna be fun to see people there :3
This weekend on the 12th and 13th of September, I will be doing a reunion event for all of the old #TeamElite members, all old members are welcome as well as anyone else who wants to come along and see what we used to be like. I'm aiming for this to be a fun 2 days on Empire War, without the constant flame wars that it used to come with. We'll basically be going on Empire War, all on 1 team and setting map capture records, getting insane domination and overall having a great time. Hopefully we can get 30/40 of the old #TeamElite members on for this.
This is in no way a reforming, I tried that and it didn't work.
For anyone living in Europe, It will take place from sometime early afternoon on Saturday, to hopefully late Sunday EU time . I'm not NA and won't be on all the time, but I'll try and be there a lot however hopefully someone can take over whilst I am not there. Don't feel pressured to stay, but if you're NA then you might want to come on quite early for your time, that's when it'll probably be at it's biggest. Ending with a big party in our Osgiliath HQ (amazing build by Only God) on Sunday night.
If you want to come then please reply to this, would be nice to get a rough estimate of how many are coming, as well as share this round to old members who maybe don't come on as much anymore.
Gonna be fun to see people there :3