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The Hall of Stories

A Wandering Bard

New member
*While wandering in the wilds of Middle Earth you stumble upon the ruins of an old road. Curious you decide to follow it to an old dank cave, that shows signs of a goblin infestation. Sword drawn you enter, going deeper and deeper to find the foul creatures. In the deepest darkest part of the cave you come across a light. Entering the chamber you find yourself in a wide open hall, carven wood and stone decorating the room, tables and chairs set up and a few men milling about and drinking. Some in armor, some in common peasant clothes, and even one or two dressed as nobles. One man, with fiery red hair, rises and walks toward you. He is armored in a suit of well made leather and wears a longsword. With a smile he greats you and says*

"Welcome, welcome. Nice to see new faces. Have a seat, and a drink if yer so inclined. Welcome to the Hall of Stories. This is where warriors, heroes, and bards all join. We tell tales of our deeds and of those who have fallen. If ye got a tale to tell the Keeper will be glad to hear it and add it to the collection if it be worthy. Where do ye think the bards hear all there tales now?"

*With that he returns to his table, drinking and eating alongside several folk of a roguish looking nature*

Will you share your tales? Those with a story will find here a good place to share.
Go on osgiliath locate the Arcane HQ and have a look around, there is a HUGE story there.
(For the little event. From Fumble Baggins.)

A story? Aye, ah'll tell ye a story.
Onshe upon a 'ime, t'ere was t'is group of adven'urers. Ah was one of 'em, of course. So anyways, t'is group was abou' t' go on an adventeh. Hence the adven'urers par'. Sooooo, we me' up in t'is 'ole. No' a nasty, dir'y, we' 'ole, filled with t'e ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or t' eat: it was a hobbit-hole and t'at meant comfor'. No' sure how ah came up with t'at descrip'ion, bu' it's a good one. At t'at hole- Meh hole t' be exac'- Our leader guide guy was tellin' us where we were gonna go a' firs'. S' we sor'a lis'ened t' 'im, before leavin'. We 'eaded into t'e fires' Che'wood, walkin' for wha' seemed like foreveh, before bang! T'ese big, black beas's with a TON of eyes leaped out of t'e side of our path! All of t'e adven'urers 'ad to 'old 'em off with t'eir bare hands, before t'e guide guy got t'em to run. We ran and ran, screamin' along t'e way, and then blammo! T'ese big, ugly dudes, called Orcs, came a' us from behin'! We kep' runnin' from t'em, then pa-pow! T'ey were in fron' of us too, chargin' from t'eir camp ahead! We'd fallen into a trap! T'e adven'urers ran aroun', runnin' off into t'e fores'. Ot'ers tried t' fight t'e zombies, several dying before t'e guide got 'em all togetheh. He go' everyone to fall back and regroup (Besides t'e ones who ran, t'ey go' lost.) t'en attacked t' Orcs! T'ey drove 'em out, and took t'e camp, stealin' t'e orc weapons! T'ey t'en lit a beacon for t'e lost dudes to come back, who even'ually did. We hurried back to t'e path, and t'en found Archet. Luckily t'e se''lemen' was okay, so we go' a good rest and loo'. T'en t'e guide said somethin' 'bout tellin' Bree 'bout t'e Orcs an' wha' not. S', we lef' again, facin' many Orc attacks while we wen', bu' eventually go' to Bree. We gotta stay at t'e Prancing Pony, where we los' some people who fell in a toile'. Awkward. Yadayadaya, we saved people, yadayadaya. So t'en we wen' t' t'is other town, which was overrun with Orcies. We walked up t' it, before t'ousands- Er, hundreds- Of Orcs ambushed us! T'e guide do told us t' flee to t'e mines t'ey had- bad idea. See, t'e mine only 'ad one en'rance, an' one exit. S' we were trapped. Soon t'e Orcs began runnin' in behind us, an' we were gonna die, before t'is lady in like, TONS of armor came up and began slaughterin' them. Ah 'ad no idea where she came from, or where she got t'at armor, but it worked. Soon she was standin' on a pile of rotten flesh, but t'e guide made 'er give 'im t'e armor. So anyway, we freed t'at town too, before settin' out. Ah sor'a fell asleep on t'at part, so we'll skip t' where ah was awake. We were travelin' along through a bunch o' grass and boulders, t'en wammo! T'ese ugly dudes came over an' attacked us! We killed 'em, of course. 'Cause ah was t'ere. And t'en we moved on! We came t' t'is tomb t'ing, which was made pre''y well, an' go' attacked t'ere as well. Again- Killed 'em. But we go' lots of loot! After, we wen' up on a hill. T'ere, we again go' attacked (Ah know, righ'?). T'ons of ugly dudes came up, an' everyone died.
T'e End.