*Slowly opens eyes...*
The land around was thick with a tall brush, birds like sirens on the dawn. I peered up, before me was lands that stretched far into the heavens above.
*rises to a low crouch like stance, with restraint."
My body reminded me of a thousand fallen soldiers. My cloths, browned with the color of the land, sagged with mud.
"This land that lays before me, I know it. The air feels the same." Groaning I stumbled towards a murky, stream. The water was cool, at least it resembled water.
By this time the sun was high in the sky, beaming down on me with the rage of a fallen empire. I looked back at the stream, it was black.
I fell back as to my amazement I heard a shout. "Ey you!" I pondered for a moment wondering if he was yelling at me. "You death or som'in, get thee 'ell ou' of th'cow shit!" I was confused, did he say 'Cow Shit'? I looked back in the stream, I saw what looked like a pebble drifting on the surface. I then thought to my self, pebbles don't float! My stomach lurched from my torso. I threw up.
*20 minutes later*
"You gave me a frigh' their" The strange man exclaimed with a sight chuckle in is voice. "Say, what'che young man like you prancin aroun' these parts for, huh?" He asked. With dismay soberly replied, "I don't know sir, all I can remember is dreams, weird dreams, like the ones you have as a child." Curiously, the man replied, "Well wha' kinda dreams you be 'avin their then?" I chuckled and said with a deepening tone, "Most of them were about war, you know, good versus bad an' all that." Before I could finish, the man interrupted, "Well tha' ain't unusual, everyone including my ol' self, can ya believe it gets those dreams. It's na'ural ya know, like instinct." I returned to what I was saying, "These dreams were so real, I felt like I was there, hordes of monsters shrouding me with giant black birds towering above in the dark sky."
"You know where ya are?" The weird man replied. "No, I have been telling you that."
He sighed, "Your in a lan that 'as no name. Some of em' people call it Earth, others heaven, most call it Minecraftia. No one knows how they got 'ere, but what we know is we 'ave a journey to complete, yours is jus begginin." I closed my eyes an listened. "To ya North, is a vast range of moun'ins. Yer South 'as a cove. East an lies a vast forest and West, a desert. This place we're at now, is wha' we call the safe lan's. Beyon' it nobody comes back..." I opened my eyes, I was alone, the man gone. I knew what I must do.
I hoped you liked that guys, I had no idea what I was doing and made it up on the spot for no apparent reason. Anyway I wanted to tell you....
I AM BACK!!!!!! (for a few weeks)
First year of A-Levels are over and I am glad to say that I can return for a little while.
See ya around!
- ice.