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the lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 multiplayer


New member
Hello guys
this is a thread about lotrbfme2 on gameranger to play the game multiplayer,
you may not know the game but the ones who know are hereby invited to join me kristan100 zoomerenhd and gundabad1 on multiplayer to go and play the game with us you need gameranger the disc of the lord of the rings the battle for middle earth 2 and of course you are in need to add us as friend so we can contact you to play the game or do a tournament i guarantee you that gameranger is safe to download we look forward seeing you guys and i hope that this team/friendship endures for a long time as it is a great game you can watch video's of it if you don't have the game a good channel of bfme2 is called ruuddevil if you want to join us place a reaction in this thread with your gameranger name and 1 last thing if you like it in singleplayer you will love it in multiplayer hope to see much of you on gameranger