*i dont take credit for all of the kits because some of them have been suggested long before i thought about them
Boar rider:
side- (I dont think i really need to add this but whatever) dwarves.
maps- moria's last flag as a reinforment (maybe in some halls as well?), Dale?, erebor's first flag (maybe allow them to rejoin after the king's hall is taken but they will still spawn at the gate).
armour- I would say as spearman or a little weaker.
equipment- carrot a rod with cooldwon of 1-2 sec that can 3-4 shot soldier and 3-2 shot archer (if possible), retexture as dwarish pike (maybe nerf the damage and adda shield?), no special effects but a pig (boar) that he rides to kill freedom.
Uruk hai crossbower:
side- uruk hai
maps- helms deep and edoras.
armour- a little stronger than dwarvish crossbow.
equipment- crossbow which is weaker than dwarish crossbow but deal more knockback and take more time to reload (maybe less ammo?) and a stone sword (maybe deals knockback).
Silvan warlord:
side- Rohan and Dale.
maps- (possible) helms deep and Dale.
armour- gold armour with projectile protection 2 on the chestplate and feather falling on the boots.
equipment- golden sword and a bow with 8 arrows and maybe effects..
special- special effects- jumpboost 2 and speed 1-2. he shall replace the mirkwood scout in dale.
side- Rohan.
maps- helms deep. (i think i remembered them in the book helping rohan in the books)
armour- leather armour (maybe dyed in white as bearch?) with projectile protection and block of leaves as head.
equipment- block of leaves
special- cant spawn unless there are atleast 4-5 more attackers than defenders and you should balance their number like trolls. can only spawn at the side keep special effects- jump boost 1-2, slwones 1-2 (make him really slow with the jump boost but can be replaced with hunder of 3) and strength 2.
Canibal goblin:
side- goblins
maps- erebor, moria, Dale?.
armour- iron chestplate and the rest is leather.
equipment- iron axe or a bone with sharpnes and 6 cooked beef/chicken.
special- when kills a dwarf gets "dwarf flash" and small chance (around 20%-30%) to get a skull called dwarf's skull/head. when he eats the meat he earns speed 1 for 12-17 sec, strength 1 for 6-10, hunger 2 for 20-30 sec (and when he reaches below 3 he earns speed 2 and weakness 2 along with nausia) and night vision for 5 or 10 sec. he cant restock food from chests and his only way of getting food is killing dwarves. when he gets a dwarf's head/skull he can throw it like throwing axe and it deals around 3 hearts of damage and cause nausia for 10 sec (maybe weakness as well as an effect of fear).
Goblin shamman/Dwarf medicneman:
side- ill let you guess.
maps- moria.
armour- like constracturer.
equipment- stone-iron sword and pot along with 16 sticks at the beggining and can restock 8.
special- slowness 1-2, can place the pot on firecamps along the map and place the sticks in the "fire" to "cook a potion" the pot will effect the nearby soldiers with one or more of the 3 next option- strength, fill up hunger or regenration. for a short time and range allowing the teams to get refreshed before the next clash, both the classes will have to fight over the same spots "campfires" and the pots will be distroyable (maybe not by arrows). to keep the effect the player whom plays the class will have to put sticks into the fire to keep the potion warm, he needs to put in 16 sticks in the fire to lit it up for the first time and 1 stick every X seconds to keep the fire alive. once the fire is dead he has to refill it with 16 sticks to lit it up again. loose 1 slowness once h placed the pot somewhere.
if you have an idea for a better name or changes that could balance the classes or simply disagree and have a helpful comment please dont hesitate to replay
Boar rider:
side- (I dont think i really need to add this but whatever) dwarves.
maps- moria's last flag as a reinforment (maybe in some halls as well?), Dale?, erebor's first flag (maybe allow them to rejoin after the king's hall is taken but they will still spawn at the gate).
armour- I would say as spearman or a little weaker.
equipment- carrot a rod with cooldwon of 1-2 sec that can 3-4 shot soldier and 3-2 shot archer (if possible), retexture as dwarish pike (maybe nerf the damage and adda shield?), no special effects but a pig (boar) that he rides to kill freedom.
Uruk hai crossbower:
side- uruk hai
maps- helms deep and edoras.
armour- a little stronger than dwarvish crossbow.
equipment- crossbow which is weaker than dwarish crossbow but deal more knockback and take more time to reload (maybe less ammo?) and a stone sword (maybe deals knockback).
Silvan warlord:
side- Rohan and Dale.
maps- (possible) helms deep and Dale.
armour- gold armour with projectile protection 2 on the chestplate and feather falling on the boots.
equipment- golden sword and a bow with 8 arrows and maybe effects..
special- special effects- jumpboost 2 and speed 1-2. he shall replace the mirkwood scout in dale.
side- Rohan.
maps- helms deep. (i think i remembered them in the book helping rohan in the books)
armour- leather armour (maybe dyed in white as bearch?) with projectile protection and block of leaves as head.
equipment- block of leaves
special- cant spawn unless there are atleast 4-5 more attackers than defenders and you should balance their number like trolls. can only spawn at the side keep special effects- jump boost 1-2, slwones 1-2 (make him really slow with the jump boost but can be replaced with hunder of 3) and strength 2.
Canibal goblin:
side- goblins
maps- erebor, moria, Dale?.
armour- iron chestplate and the rest is leather.
equipment- iron axe or a bone with sharpnes and 6 cooked beef/chicken.
special- when kills a dwarf gets "dwarf flash" and small chance (around 20%-30%) to get a skull called dwarf's skull/head. when he eats the meat he earns speed 1 for 12-17 sec, strength 1 for 6-10, hunger 2 for 20-30 sec (and when he reaches below 3 he earns speed 2 and weakness 2 along with nausia) and night vision for 5 or 10 sec. he cant restock food from chests and his only way of getting food is killing dwarves. when he gets a dwarf's head/skull he can throw it like throwing axe and it deals around 3 hearts of damage and cause nausia for 10 sec (maybe weakness as well as an effect of fear).
Goblin shamman/Dwarf medicneman:
side- ill let you guess.
maps- moria.
armour- like constracturer.
equipment- stone-iron sword and pot along with 16 sticks at the beggining and can restock 8.
special- slowness 1-2, can place the pot on firecamps along the map and place the sticks in the "fire" to "cook a potion" the pot will effect the nearby soldiers with one or more of the 3 next option- strength, fill up hunger or regenration. for a short time and range allowing the teams to get refreshed before the next clash, both the classes will have to fight over the same spots "campfires" and the pots will be distroyable (maybe not by arrows). to keep the effect the player whom plays the class will have to put sticks into the fire to keep the potion warm, he needs to put in 16 sticks in the fire to lit it up for the first time and 1 stick every X seconds to keep the fire alive. once the fire is dead he has to refill it with 16 sticks to lit it up again. loose 1 slowness once h placed the pot somewhere.
if you have an idea for a better name or changes that could balance the classes or simply disagree and have a helpful comment please dont hesitate to replay