Kordin, steward of Thorin's Halls, is troubled in mind. Recently returned from a trip to Erebor, he found his halls taken over by Gormur Dourhand, descendant of the Dwarf Skorgrim Dourhand. No Dwarf save Skorgrim's descendants remember what he did, and only the Elves of Ered Luin still remember beside them. Gormur refuses to acknowledge Kordin's promotion to steward, and continues going on as if nothing had happened. What is worse, Thorin's Halls have suffered at the hands of the Dourhands. Under their rule, the lovey snow-vales in Thorin's Gate have been turned into a factory, with stacks belching foul smoke, the river polluted as a dumping ground for rusty scrap and slag, and excavation begun into the side of Thorin's Peak, one of the main mountains surrounding the Gates. Tribute from the hall has ceased, and king Thalin has dispatched a company ((not the military term, just the word)) of Dwarves from Erebor to aid Kordin in the investigation. What's worse, Goblins of the Blue-crag tribe have taken a fort in the Vale of Thrain, and no supplies have been sent to the outpost of Noglond. Word from Gondamon and the port-town of Kheledul has ceased, and it is suspected that Goblins have blocked the road leading to the Lowlands.
ROLEPLAYING INCIDENT. Do what you wish, I am DM. Please stay in-character. Map of Ered Luin here: http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/File:Ered_Luin_map.jpg
Anyone who wishes can make an adventuring character to play along.
Kordin and his companions start out in Frerin's Court, the outside courtyard in front of Thorin's Hall proper. In the center is a statue of Thorin, to the left are some houses, to the right the rest of Thorin's Gate Vale stretches out until it slopes upward, a path leading through the woods. Forward, the door of Thorin's Hall stands, along with the exterior carvings. Dwarven merchants stand in the square, and in one corner, by a broken lamp-post, several Dourhand Dwarves kneel on the ground playing dice. Coins lie by them.
ROLEPLAYING INCIDENT. Do what you wish, I am DM. Please stay in-character. Map of Ered Luin here: http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/File:Ered_Luin_map.jpg
Anyone who wishes can make an adventuring character to play along.
Kordin and his companions start out in Frerin's Court, the outside courtyard in front of Thorin's Hall proper. In the center is a statue of Thorin, to the left are some houses, to the right the rest of Thorin's Gate Vale stretches out until it slopes upward, a path leading through the woods. Forward, the door of Thorin's Hall stands, along with the exterior carvings. Dwarven merchants stand in the square, and in one corner, by a broken lamp-post, several Dourhand Dwarves kneel on the ground playing dice. Coins lie by them.