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When attacking many different fortified citadels often times a ram is necessary to punch a breach in the wall. The weakest part of the wall is the gate where the majority of the fighting takes place until the attacking team can enter the city. A ram is the perfect instrument to entering a fort and if used properly can lead to a swift and easy victory. This guide will show you the steps to using a ram to its fullest potential. We will begin with Minas Morgul.
Minas Morgul
Minas Morgul or The Dead City has the weakest and easiest to breach gate in Middle Earth. With a gate health of 20 this puny gate will not stand long once a ram has been deployed. Because of this weakness it takes nearly 3 strong Gondorian soldiers to wield the ram. The average soldier or the more versatile spearman are the most suited to use the ram. This next part is the trickiest. To use the ram your soldier or spearman must stand within the handle (gate fences) and be actively pushing on the ram. When 3 or more men are actively pushing the ram whilst in the handles you will see the orc defenders cowl at the might of your blow against their gate. With perseverance your small band of troops can easily outmatch the orcs now that their defenses have been decimated. Lead your armies to victory now that the Tower of Sorcery has been purified.
Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith, The Tower of the Watch, The Unconquered Citadel. This formidable 7 tier city applies the use of gates very strongly. With each level being protected by a gate this is one of the most difficult cities to siege in all of Middle Earth. However if you prevail no army can stand against you. The gate of Minas Tirith is the most formidable in all of Middle Earth. With a staggering 950 health to bring down this giant takes the strongest of beasts, The Troll. Trolls and Orcs can wield a basic ram against this gate at first but soon they will realize this gate needs something a bit stronger. Behold the Iron Wolf, Grond. This massive ram can break down any and all gates but is specialized for the gate of Minas Tirith. To use such a powerful ram it requires 4 fully grown trolls. Using their massive strength they push the stone handles in the rear to bare down on the gate. With a few swings of this beast the gate will fall leaving the Free Peoples of Middle Earth to cower in fear as their city is burned and pillaged by swarms of orcs.
Erebor the Dwarven Citadel within the Lonely Mountain. Its throughout its great halls are masterpieces carved from stones from which flows gold abounding. However to protect from unwanted guests the dwarves have built a masterful entry gate which can stand any blow, but has like any fort a weak point, The Gate. The Gate of Erebor has a fine health of 40. To manage this gate using a combination of Trolls and Orcs you can bust down the dwarven gate and enter their hidden city. Like any ram having the proper strength is always needed. Grab a handle (fence gate) and begin pushing using your hand, because what fool pushes a ram using pork chops? Watch as the dwarves retreat as you bash down the only thing separating you from their precious gold. But be warned once inside the dwarves will fight to their dying breath to defend their gold. Only through extreme coordination and effort will you armies march through the halls of Erebor.
I hope this guide has been an enlightening experience and that from it you will go from humiliating defeat to swift victory. And always remember to "Use the Ram Maggots"
When attacking many different fortified citadels often times a ram is necessary to punch a breach in the wall. The weakest part of the wall is the gate where the majority of the fighting takes place until the attacking team can enter the city. A ram is the perfect instrument to entering a fort and if used properly can lead to a swift and easy victory. This guide will show you the steps to using a ram to its fullest potential. We will begin with Minas Morgul.
Minas Morgul
Minas Morgul or The Dead City has the weakest and easiest to breach gate in Middle Earth. With a gate health of 20 this puny gate will not stand long once a ram has been deployed. Because of this weakness it takes nearly 3 strong Gondorian soldiers to wield the ram. The average soldier or the more versatile spearman are the most suited to use the ram. This next part is the trickiest. To use the ram your soldier or spearman must stand within the handle (gate fences) and be actively pushing on the ram. When 3 or more men are actively pushing the ram whilst in the handles you will see the orc defenders cowl at the might of your blow against their gate. With perseverance your small band of troops can easily outmatch the orcs now that their defenses have been decimated. Lead your armies to victory now that the Tower of Sorcery has been purified.
Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith, The Tower of the Watch, The Unconquered Citadel. This formidable 7 tier city applies the use of gates very strongly. With each level being protected by a gate this is one of the most difficult cities to siege in all of Middle Earth. However if you prevail no army can stand against you. The gate of Minas Tirith is the most formidable in all of Middle Earth. With a staggering 950 health to bring down this giant takes the strongest of beasts, The Troll. Trolls and Orcs can wield a basic ram against this gate at first but soon they will realize this gate needs something a bit stronger. Behold the Iron Wolf, Grond. This massive ram can break down any and all gates but is specialized for the gate of Minas Tirith. To use such a powerful ram it requires 4 fully grown trolls. Using their massive strength they push the stone handles in the rear to bare down on the gate. With a few swings of this beast the gate will fall leaving the Free Peoples of Middle Earth to cower in fear as their city is burned and pillaged by swarms of orcs.
Erebor the Dwarven Citadel within the Lonely Mountain. Its throughout its great halls are masterpieces carved from stones from which flows gold abounding. However to protect from unwanted guests the dwarves have built a masterful entry gate which can stand any blow, but has like any fort a weak point, The Gate. The Gate of Erebor has a fine health of 40. To manage this gate using a combination of Trolls and Orcs you can bust down the dwarven gate and enter their hidden city. Like any ram having the proper strength is always needed. Grab a handle (fence gate) and begin pushing using your hand, because what fool pushes a ram using pork chops? Watch as the dwarves retreat as you bash down the only thing separating you from their precious gold. But be warned once inside the dwarves will fight to their dying breath to defend their gold. Only through extreme coordination and effort will you armies march through the halls of Erebor.
I hope this guide has been an enlightening experience and that from it you will go from humiliating defeat to swift victory. And always remember to "Use the Ram Maggots"