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  • That moment when you wonder how all your old friends from EW, Ragnarok, and other things are, and want to see what they've been up to. Then you realize, you have absolutely no clue how to get in touch with them cause all of those sites are gone. As such a short poem for this moment in time.

    Tis' a sad day when the wind blows but no leaves are rustled
    The wind bitter and cold washes over you
    Behold, the desolation and ruin of the past
    What once was golden and great is now rusted and decrepit
    All around you are faceless corpses
    Names you once knew escape your mind
    Flashes of revelry and epic tales sweep your mind
    Only to be gone in an instant
    Where does the bard sing now?
    What kingdom can the warrior defend now?
    What stones are left for the builder to build?
    When will the lore masters return, to tell the epic tales of ages past?
    Welcome back.

    May Nurgle bless you with great cancers and plentiful and weeping sores!

    May Khorne gift you with the strength of 1,000 Forsaken and a lust for blood greater than any other!

    May Slaanesh please your every desire, and inspire you to seek out more!

    May Tzeentch grant you the knowledge of the ancients, and corrupt your very soul!
    Hey everyone! Right now you have the opportunity to join, or rejoin, the old RP community that began on EW long ago. We have finally re-settled back into ragnarok, but this time it's a free website. For those of you who don't know about RP, well think of it like this, it's you living out a character who may or may not have the power to rule the world. So if that sounds like your cup of tea, or ale, come join us. Follow the link for magical cupcakes and rainbow colored ski boots!

    I'm very confuse about the recruitment thingy :P
    I just put random stuff to get people to read it and hopefully click the link. I'm just posting on my wall so that people can see it.
    So after all this talk about character death's on blackflames, I've decided to draft up a document covering character deaths pretty in detail. I plan to post it sometime tomorrow as I realize I've just spent almost 2 hours typing over 1500 words of what seems like something a lawyer wrote. Don't worry though, it's pretty easy to understand, I hope.
    Fkin Tahmas and his defender default
    Die. Best thing to happen since the Amyas.
    Yeah I'm actually going very similar to that idea. Death will mostly be based around RP interaction and events, with some exceptions and stuff in there too.
    Oi, you're not banned from Blackfyre yet. Someone (not saying names) told several of us of betrayal. That's why I asked you in rp.
    Hmm, well I a pretty good idea what this is all about. I'll just see how things go in the next few days
    Hey guys just a heads up in case you start wondering where I am, school started back today for me so my time is going to be a bit more limited than before. However, do not fear, for I will still try to be online every day. Also thanks to Wavey to promoting me and Mile to DM status allowing us to have near full control over the website. I look forward to the future as RP stays strong.
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