That moment when you wonder how all your old friends from EW, Ragnarok, and other things are, and want to see what they've been up to. Then you realize, you have absolutely no clue how to get in touch with them cause all of those sites are gone. As such a short poem for this moment in time.
Tis' a sad day when the wind blows but no leaves are rustled
The wind bitter and cold washes over you
Behold, the desolation and ruin of the past
What once was golden and great is now rusted and decrepit
All around you are faceless corpses
Names you once knew escape your mind
Flashes of revelry and epic tales sweep your mind
Only to be gone in an instant
Where does the bard sing now?
What kingdom can the warrior defend now?
What stones are left for the builder to build?
When will the lore masters return, to tell the epic tales of ages past?