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New member
I Realize you might call it corruption, but in this case the applicants are already in and I'm just writing up the voting thing. I apologize to anyone who thinks its corrupt that I'm 'making the election and running in it' but I tried my best to keep it as unbiased as possible
Here are the applicants:
My name is Erendhil.

I was born and raised in Rivendell and know all it's secrets.

To protect this home for all, has been always my goal in life. I have great strategic insight and have slayed many foul creatures with my spear. I would fight untill my last breath to protect Imladris. I shall bring peace and Rivendell shall flourish. I will always remain vigilant and protect those who are in need. I shall study magic and use it for the greater good. I will not rule alone. The people of Imladris shall speak swell.; I can tell you that I can restore Rivendell and protect it from the remaining evil. We will speak wisdom in these halls again and will help Middle-Earth in any way we can.

Alliances will be made and enemies slayed before the red dawn!

Cuio mae
I hope I got everything..
Name: Beepbobit the Wise, Lord of the Bards, Spearman and Captain of Gondor, Cupbearer of the King
Though I may not be an 100% elf, I was raised in Rivendell after my family was orphaned. I know many people there, and have a much stronger appreciation for the Elvish arts and culture than some of the others in this election.
I seek not to impose rivendell on others, to expand the military or make colonies. I seek to keep Rivendell as what it was meant to be: a refuge, a place of art and culture, and of magic, not of war, violence, and hatred. We would open our doors to any friend of Rivendell, not just elves.

Good luck to all! I hope others apply as I may be DQed for not being an elf
I'll run for it I like I rivendell and I always focus on defending things
Pretty sure that's everyone... If you want to be added, please comment below, we might have to re-do this election but I just wanted it on the table.
Let me tell you what I've learned of leadership,

Leadership isn't about having power, it is about knowing the people. I know that you and I can prevail in these dark times, because we know each other. Leadership is friendship and the understanding of your people.
Well said, but this isn't the place for campaigning. Let's keep comments to a minimum, not to dampen the democratic process. Let the people decide on their own.
Let me tell you what I've learned of leadership,

Leadership isn't about having power, it is about knowing the people. I know that you and I can prevail in these dark times, because we know each other. Leadership is friendship and the understanding of your people.

''Leadership means that the person in charge gets second-guessed by every clever little twat with a mouth'' -Ser Alliser.

Let le get this straight, beep is already head of bards and human whilst he is winning? He'll get so luch power :P
Let le get this straight, beep is already head of bards and human whilst he is winning? He'll get so luch power :P
Let's get this straight too: i was raised in Rivendell, and being head of the bards gives me no territory, troops, or other power. Elrond was essentially the first bard, he had a lot of books, loved literature, history and art. The culture of Rivendell is so ingrained in Bardic culture that I'm surprised we ever came to Gondor. Perhaps it was Elvish-Purists like you who kept us out of the city
If I were to be leader, I would allow anyone with good intensions who shares our interests to enter our city and find refuge!
I understand that, but how is ds going to be in mirkwood and rivendell at the same time?
Well, what about your claim to have Imladris and Lindon? How can you be in both places at once?
I do not know where this hatred comes from, hobbit, but I wish not to have these lands.
We're not biased, we just think he'd be the best candidate, as he can roleplay best.
Plus, it helps that he uses good grammar.
Well all the bards are voting on you so ....

Beep is just a respected person, I am not of the Bards, but I still voted for him because I have more respect for him than the others (I do still have respect for the others though)