A 5 rear old kid called tim decided to make a Factions server, watched lotr two towers (skipped to the good parts) then made the lotr server... few months later some kids join, then a few more. iwasnumber4 then gets premod then half year later tim watched the walking dead, so he made lms. He then saw star wars and made LS, a year later he made another server I don't think it was an original idea to call it a *build server* unlike ew there were other build servers. A few peeps joined that anrza downloaded osg a new sith empire, *cough* I mean server, which wellyboot an-rbot and lazeescat made which tim did not like that much. Err not much happend after that, I mean ofc there was the EULA which I was rhe first to break the news on ew and make everyone cry and yeah I feel dats bout it really... Oh yeah some cool dewds who left were TJB (teamjoshben7) errm Titankronos...then he had to return -_-.... Luv ya really kronodude <3 and well probably Anrza as he was the leader of the sith *cough* I mean Raid stone. And yeah. Personally it was a mistake to join EW... However it was the best mistake of my life
Love ya EW
- ice Loyal suasage of EmpireWar.