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Wow mate

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V2 Veteran
They used the eq map and they didn't put a link or even say anything about who made it, and also this was the one opportunity for a huge youtuber to mention ew but nope. I thought I would share it with you all... Idk, maybe the pmc page didn't say people should give credit in a video.
I'm honestly really pissed about this. Around 10M subs in total. All people who could had gone to our website and server, and now none of them do because they are too arrogant to give credit.
Emailed them all to add it or remove the video, but they'll probably just ignore it.

Also, this is a quote from the PMC page:

Additional Notes

When using this map, full credit MUST be given by linking to the EpicQuestz YouTube channel and the Helm's Deep Download page here!

what to do? open the video and write in the comments the credits, hoping he donìt delete them.

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