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X-Bow Nerf/Change

Mercenary might not stay on Erebor by the way. We are still looking at new concepts for Erebor classes.

Just going to throw that in there.
Yeah I agree, if you aren't going to nerf the damage make the reload time much longer (seeing as a actual crossbow does take a considerable more amount of time than a bow) and also give it slowness one.
[quote user_id="14578743" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/the_pharaohs_cat/74.png" name="the_pharaohs_cat"]It does 7 hearts of damage to ranger and if I recall correctly 6 to archer. If anything needs a nerf it is the damage, and you can't chase them down to kill them because they just turn around once and hit you again, after half of your health or more is already gone from your initial encounter with them.

What I don't understand is why you would chase down a crossbowman with archer or ranger. You've got a bow, and it can almost 2-hit them. Why don't you just shoot them when they run away?

More of the problem here is if
A) The archer misses
B) The archer tags them twice but because it takes three arrows they slip away
C) The archer is tagged and the xbow reloads and kills the archer before he can get three shots off
D) The xbow repeatedly peeks a corner and hits every shot

It's more of an issue with reload time and how maneuverable they are while reloading. I've been killed many times while having to chase down an xbow and as long as he is 4-6 blocks ahead of me he can whip around and score shots and keep running while reloading.