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  • Zoom
    I'd change the glowstone, it's not appealing imo. And also, why would there be an armor stand in a modern house, kinda odd ^-^
    Rest looks good. Well done!
    So, it's 2:00 A.M. where I am at and I have insomnia so why not build a modern Minecraft house right?
    Looks like something from Househunters: International ;-;
    Hey guys! If you haven't noticed, I have been very inactive recently. This is due to school things as it is getting harder as the year goes on. I have pretty much left all of my electronics behind including Minecraft for many weeks. Rest assured that I am now back! I have no idea for how long but it will not be non-stop crafting for me. I will be playing every once in a while here and there but nothing to serious.
    yay kicks back
    Hey guys I will not be on tomorrow so I will say Merry Christmas now! Hope you guys have a great week leading up to 2016 and a very Merry Christmas!
    Meriadoc Christmas!
    Hello everyone! Does anyone know of a good adventure/survival/puzzle map besides Wrath of the Fallen, Herobrine's Mansion, and Herobrine's Mansion 2? I really love adventure maps and can't find any good ones.
    #1 Medic
    #1 Medic
    damnit, it was Wrath of the Fallen, Herbrine's mansion and Herobrine's return I was gonna suggest xD And btw, its called Herobrine's return, not mansion 2
    You know you've played Minecraft too much when you see a dark part in your real life house and you want to turn on a light there. lol
    Guys I need help getting a new skin. I have always been the one that changes my skin like every month or so but now I am going to stick with one. Please comment which one you think I should use... FOREVER! (Yes, I know that I have used some of these before.)


    P.S. Don't choose the Vintagebeef one xD
    The Crew:
    Unknown User
    agen, tara, rob. i can still reck you!
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