you are all retarded in that, you make the mistake in assuming that all things in universe are revealed unto us because of what they teach you in school... most of you people's idea of science is mediocre at best, your conclusions are half-baked, and you are completely closed to new ideas, because of you so-called "smart people", this world is doomed to be stunted scientifically. we will not progress, and we will not learn, simply because people like you don't have the drive that drove scientists such as Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, Nicola Tesla, and Einstein. you have no desire to push the boundaries of science simply because school teaches you not too. you take everything that is spoon fed to you with no concept of taking the contents of what you are being fed into question. you are like the senator who closed the patent office in the 1900's because "everything that would be invented has already been invented" i'm done trying to argue with you.