1.7.10 is a ancient version of minecraft with almost no features of importance. playing on 1.7.10 now, with 1.12 being out, is the equivalent to still playing on 1.2.4 while 1.7.10 is out. no matter how many times this game updates there will always being the nostalgia junkies still playing on an ancient version because they cannot accept change, and that is the only reason. games change, if you don't like the newer (most stable due to fixed bugs) versions, then this game is not for you. if it were up to people who still play ancient obsolete versions then this game would have died all the way back in 1.6 or 1.7. in order to keep the game alive you need to keep the people interested and keep it from getting boring, in other words, new features = less doing the same things over and over again. this is the very foundation of what minecraft was built on. taking one thing, and improving on it perpetually. this is why mods need to update, so that, similarly, these mods can stay relevant in an ever-changing minecraft, and with it... fanbase. true minecraft enthusiasts appreciate the versions of minecraft provided to us for what they are, no matter how much it changes in the process.