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  • lol this dumbass nice guy enthusiast is now trying to say I am bullying HIM? wtf? all because i made a post AFTER he said this shit http://imgur.com/a/ZyisQ like wtf? is this man actually fucking mentally challenged or something?
    > implying that you don't think you're bullying him at all > calling him a dumbass and mentally challenged
    are you really this fucking stupid? i have no room for your nonsensical rhetoric on my wall, leave
    LOL! this dude nice guy enthusiast just said i am, and i quote, "being a retard" and i am "turning my wall into nasclub" LMAO! 1.) i don't even know who or what nasclub is. 2.) how on earth am i "being a retard"? what is retarded about my posts? i am interested in human psychology and the concepts of philosophy, and that is why people enjoy my content, they see my post's and status updates of what iv'e been doing, they see that i have a good head on my shoulders and i know a lot about the world. So tell me, axcel, how am i "being retarded"? lmao?

    and why did you even add me in the first place? if you don't like my content or think i am "being a retard" then it must be pretty retarded of you to add me, don't you think?
    you're doing the same, calling me out on your wall ?, does it do anything for you ?
    i'm not bullying you, in fact, i see myself as defending myself from you, who is posting shit about me on a wall which is made exclusively to make fun of others on enjin... so yes, it does do things for me, it honestly just gives me reassurance that your posse of asshole don't come on here and harass me like they love to do.
    http://imgur.com/a/ZyisQ here is a screenshot of something your dumbass self posted BEFORE i made this post on my wall, and now you are fucking complaining about ME bullying you??? you fucking bitch? do you understand how utterly fucking retarded you are sounding right now?
    *laughs wickedly like a retard "h-h-hey guys hehehe, i uh- i changed my name to mere cat, hehe g-get it? be-because in real life it's spelled Meerkat hur hur, bu- but i changed it to MERE cat, hehe, ge- get it... uuh, i- i'm clever now, right?"
    the world is my canvas, and i paint some very beautiful pictures using colors provided to me from the blessings of human stupidity
    to provide for a bit on context, this mutant hamster posted a roleplay link to a smut roleplay group, then complained about getting requests from people who wanted a sexually explicit roleplay experience, i ripped into her parade big time.
    did you just indirectly confess to being part of a smut roleplay group
    yes, yes i have.
    my gf added me to it. :P
    i'm over here with 5 stitches in my leg and a brace, i can barely walk. and i am STILL having to fucking babysit my FATHER.
    can i just say, Six Weeks s degree of "intelligence" is always just shining so bright right there under your nose like a week old dog shit sitting under the sun.
    lol [user]9773378[/user] it worked! xD
    hahaha, hey dude... we really need to bait this girl in more often she is so ez! LOL
    hi nice to meet you, here's a complimentary brass knuckle to the face.
    Love aint simple!
    Nice room, the armour is nice
    thanks, i think so :3
    did ya'all know my bestfriend said i look like a dork in this outfit?? lol. This is standard for Hell's Angels.
    Maindo Karada Kōsoku (or マインド体拘束)

    Is a new form of martial arts i developed which translates to "Mind, Body, restraint" the form itself is based off of traditional boxing, Tae Kwan Doe, and Kung Fu. And has a specific and yet lenient honorary code which allows one self to reach his or her full potential, funds are being placed for the first dojo which i will run and teach others this fighting style, currently i am developing names for the stances and moves so that i can easily instruct student's. A important aspect of this specific art is having the ability to deal out heavy damage with little-to-no muscle requirements and without getting hit too much in the process. One could say the main motto of this art is "think smarter not harder" I will also be posting tutorial videos online so that we reach a greater audience and one can begin to learn the art without actually having to come to my dojo.
    pronunciations: Maindo(mine-do) Karada(car-ada) Kōsoku (ko-soo-kuh)
    do you ever wake up only to stare at yourself in the mirror for minutes, or even hours at a time wondering "what have you become?" does it ever stare back and say "only what you made me"?
    Your Local Jar Cat ಥ_ಥ
    yup... i knew it would end well... just didn't know it would end so soon.

    words cannot describe this awful emotion i'm feeling... probably deep sorrow... whatever it is i really don't like it.
    oh god i just realized my relationship with this girl is the timeless catwoman x batman style relationship... this isn't going to end well ;-; :'( D':
    i live my life like i'm writin' it, and what i'm writin' needs to be a song, majestic, every detail planned with finesse to make me and those around me have the feeling "that is so amazing it looks planned" well guess what bitch? it was, nothing you've done or have said hasn't been predicted by me, every fight i'm in i new was coming and its many different results. each i took into consideration in the way that i handled it. i know sometimes to get your ass kicked kicks their ass, they just don't know it till later, i'm like a porcupine puffer, i puff myself up, make myself look bigger than i normally would, then if someone still ain't intimidated- no scared, they bite. and instead of meat they find themselves with a mouth full of pricks and veins full of venom, they dead 24 hours left. and i know sometimes its worth to sacrifice honor to those who have none or are not worthy, because i know they have no family- at least none that cares for them, while i go home and i'm treated like a king. so every time you think you've won, or think you can fight me or play me for a joke, remember all this shit is funny to everyone around me but you, because all the laughter here is burnin' your roof. so fuck ya'all who think you got somethin' from me just because you cheated or fought me, because i know your demons more than you'll ever know mine and i know that when i say this you'll blow- like a landmine, but just think of this post everytime you find yourself whinin' like some kind of banshee or ghost. and know that i know that you never win, and i do every time.
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