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  • well, folks... i am proud to announce a sub-division of our court has been added, i call it... THE DUSK LEGION

    Me and a few of my buddies at school are both big fans of Parkour, Physical fitness, and Martial arts. so we have decided to form our own group around the Fictional Assassins Creed Franchize, one of my friends are a big fan of the Assassins, i, personally like the Templars. so we decided to combine this, we fashion our own modernized cloaks as well as our own version of hidden blades that are element based, we currently have 2 main designs that we built

    1.) Frostbite Blade: a hidden blade mechanism with a detachable and replaceable blade that has a nozzle attached to the palm, attached to the nozzle is a tube running to a pressurized bottle of Liquid Nitrogen that is placed within your Cloak seems (which is a leather biker jacket with a hood) when you activate the blade, for 30 seconds liquid nitrogen sprays onto the blade causing it to be reduced to -55 degrees Fahrenheit

    how it works is once within the flesh, the blade head becomes brittle from the col and breaks into a bunch of little pieces like shrapnel, embedding themselves within the skin, you can lace this blade with many poisons so that your victim inevitably dies.

    2.) Hellfire Blade: the same hidden blade mechanism as the Frostbite Blade without the detachable, replaceable blade. the same nozzle mechanism, timing; and a pressurized bottle is with the mechanism. except this time it uses Propane, Propane is poured onto the reactive metal (i forgot what its called and i'm to lazy to go call my helping engineer) working somewhat like a blow-torch, heating the blade to a whopping 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

    how it works is it cauterizes the flesh once it goes in, effectively reducing Blood-Splatter.

    (right now i am working on a extension to these blades that will use a small charge of gunpowder to propel a small metal needle through the air like a dart.)

    so, i present to you our corresponding Banner/Flag that we will have attached to the back of our modified biker jackets.

    lord help anyone who decides to challenge us now
    (plehz dun't call ze FBI)
    who agrees this is a better "Assassins Creed Rogue" emblem?
    also, is anyone able to make a size 8 Large ring based on this design?
    So, study abroad programs, if you are reading this it is likely you have heard of them one way or another, either you are a teacher who had set this assignment up for school students to submit to you, or you are reading this after it has been graded because i want to brag about it being a good article. It would seem study abroad programs have been causing a great deal of debate lately, so let’s see what all the fuss is about.

    if you are a good student in a school, a high-school graduate, or a successful businessman, it could be agreed that studying is rather important, so, why is there a lot of debate among academic experts and bystanders alike? well, according to "The Bright Side of Studying Abroad" by Phillip Jones, studying abroad has its own great advantages. From an academic standpoint, students can study with scholars in academic fields and explore courses that might not be available at home. Learning about the culture based around the language of which you are learning can agreeably be a great advantage as, foreign experiences can make your résumé stand out from the crowd. As a student in a foreign country, you will always have to think on your feet. This means that your future employer can easily see you as a pioneer against other graduates- someone who is not afraid to use and explore new method's and ideas. An article on the QS Top Universities website includes an interview with Dee Roach, a manager for the Navitas Education Group. Roach advises that anyone who can state on their résumé that they studies abroad has a advantage when starting a career. she stated that the experience of studying in a foreign country "will prove to your potential employer that you have the ability to stand on your own two feet, that you can fit in when placed in different environments, that you are resourceful, and you have initiative"

    so, yes the idea is a very nice one, and can be beneficial to the elite, but what about those who do not bare this kind of personality? what happens to students who only want to take pictures and eat food? and does this cost money? if not, how will the schools pay for the travel? well according to "Don't Call a Vacation 'studying'" by Debra Wu, studying abroad is just one long vacation. as stated in the article "Lilli Engle, president of the American University Center of Provence, offers offers her opinion about student' motivations for studying abroad in kathleen kingsbury's June 2013 article for the BBC's website. 'The primary motivator to study abroad now is not necessarily to learn but, instead, to have a great adventure," she says. 'Study abroad programs are happy to oblige" however, the question may be asked, and rightly so, is it really JUST a vacation? are students really learning from spending time sunbathing and exploring in these foreign retreats. Well according to a survey by the forum on Education Abroad, only 22% of study abroad programs check students' statuses of actually acquiring new languages. although, Melissa Lee stated in a 2015 article on the Odyssey's website that, "professors are extremely lenient, they understand that the real reason why students study in foreign countries is for the cultural experience." so, it would seem that studying abroad is nothing more than a vacation, which nothing is wrong with that, however, how are they paying for it? do the students pay for it? why would you make students pay for something like that which counts towards a grade? the logic is fallacious and nonsensical. Furthermore, if the program pays for itself, where is IT getting the money? it doesn't take much to see that it would be a waste of money, so, in short. Its a nice idea, however, it doesn't work logically, or practically, ultimately, it's just a huge waste of valuable time.
    What is this wall about anyway.
    Did u guys hack the DNC and leak Hillary's eeemailsssssssssS??
    hillary leaked her own e-mails because she's a fucking dumb-ass and we had nothing to do with the DNC hacking.
    i'm not even sure what the DNC you speak of is, i don't follow whored out melodramatic nonsensical news
    folks, it would seem one of our ex brothers(or i guess in this case, sister's) have gone rogue "lick" as she apparently calls herself now is doing her own damn thing, encounter her or her trademark, and you might be in trouble, but true devotionals can speak the name Lord Decay, or The Witherer and "Lick" i guess... will (hopefully) remember and revere the name... and with any luck, she will flee

    Witches are the very creepy, and frankly, misunderstood beings that inhabit the dark, musky, stinking swamps that dot the overworld. they are Testificuits that had the wisdom of light bestowed unto them in the form of a thundering beam of energy, yes, we are speaking of lightning. with this new granted knowledge and their already natural affinity and ability to enchant and empower, they begin to brew potions which grant themselves powers, instead of their weapons. after this, their neighbors had unjustly and unfairly banished them from their fair towns and settlements due to their blissful and arrogant disarray of their understanding minds. here, the witches grew cold, and angry. with this they worked new clothing to symbolize their change of state and to differentiate from their kin and brethren. do not judge, and if forced to- slay with mercy and kindness in your heart, for these beings were unjustly betrayed by their only friends and corrupted due to the brewing process working differently for their race.
    the jesus fish symbol originally symbolized fertility, particularly the human vagina, turn the symbol sideways and it is pretty much self-explanatory

    the symbol for man and woman now used to identify bitches with daddy problems and guys who live off their mother over the internet dating websites, was originally used in alchemy, an old form of mystical science that was concerned with astrology, and chemistry. the male symbol is the astrological symbol for mars, the god of war. while the female symbol is called chalkos, and was mean't to symbolize Venus, the woman female deity to the Greeks. the male symbol is mean't to look like a spear and shield, while the female symbol is mean't to look like a necklace charm typically worn by women of the time.

    the Bluetooth symbol of your convenient little devices isn't just a stylized bee, it was borrowed from Norse mythology, and is a bind rune (or two runes combined) it is devised from the rune for "h" or "haggle" and "b" for be-arkon

    the pause symbol is one of the oldest linguistic tools in human literature which have their roots in a very influential poetic tradition, back in the Greek age, the double lines signaled for a pause in a song or poem where one could take a breather

    The Mitsubishi logo has been used since 1870, but in actuality is the adapted flag for shipping magnet, utaro ubisaki, and was also the iwasaki family crest.

    are you ever going to think of these symbols the same way again?
    Six Weeks
    jack and jill ran up the hill
    to the house of sex and thrill
    there they had a mad ol' time
    where they made their baby Madeline
    after this, she grew up quick
    and ended up sucking tranny dick.
    holy shit i just realized my dad believes in women being born as men and men being born as women, also known as being deranged and mentally feeble!

    damn i'm glad the fruit fell far enough from the tree....
    you would not believe the audacity this hackneyed, predictable, upside-down world has, if i had a dollar for every time i met, or will meet one with a twisted mind, i would have over 7 BILLION dollars.

    research the world population and you'll understand the magnitude of this perversion.
    fear can be either your worst enemy, or your best friend.

    people usually either refuse to use it, which helps them until human fearlessness- no, arrogance inevitably betrays them, or use it too much, which ends up strengthening their own hidden, and mainly human error, they end up drowning in their own rash decisions.

    conquer fear by facing it anyways, even if it is nipping at your heels with the painful feeling of dread and anxiety. after this, know when fear wishes to help, then let her help when your mind decides it is time to use her. do not ask when or how you'll know... if you do it right, you'll know. if you do it wrong... well, then you'll just have to let fear control you entirely then ey?
    with the quick movement of a slicing blade the life at the receiving end will fade.

    with one quick movement you could ruin not just one life, but ruin the lives of those who are left to pick up the pieces of your choice.

    before breaking the world around you, consider the irreversible consequences of your actions, and know that there will undoubtedly be unforeseen domino's behind the mist's of human error.
    do the minds of the sleepers rot and decay?
    if so, is their minds like the living in which they do sway?
    do they see visions those of the waking world see not?
    do they dream? if so, do they dream of terror, or do they dream of solace?
    do their ears pick up the sounds of the silenced?

    do the living dead wake or do they steady their slumber?
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